Ever wonder how much details are put into Trine? Well we are putting even more into the sequel. Here is a little look at how much details there actually are and also a little insight into why we are taking longer to finish the game. Perfection is not really possible but we try to be marginally close. 🙂 -Mikael
So last week we showed you a little bit of how cramped our office space can get. It was inevitable that we really needed to do some cleaning up and reorganizing. As it happened our CEO, Lauri, had an awesome, albeit time consuming idea about how to make cleaning cooler. We were to make a fort out of all the cardboard boxes that we had before we take them to the recycling bin. After most workers left for the evening, a few imaginative individuals stayed behind and with the power of ale from the neighboring Kingdoms we managed to raise […]
We have a problem… There is a human being in every single corner of this office. Literally. It feels crowded here. Every now and then someone drops something or tries to find their way through extra chairs and other furniture we have set aside for the future. We have not had a comfortable lounge since… well, I do not remember. But at least our lunch room is not colonized yet. Fortunately, every dark cloud has a silver lining (such a cliché but true!). In my opinion, growing out of your office means nothing but good business, so I am not […]
This round in the “Making Of” series we are looking at a new skill that Amadeus will have in the sequel. Throw Goblins into spikes to kill ’em or chuck the carcasses around just for fun after, just because it looks cool. Either way, our Wizard is going to be able to help out a bit more now with this skill. -Mikael
Splot is our up and coming cartoony puzzle platformer, that will be out soon for a variety of systems. The game will run at a whopping 60fps on high end and still at a very playable 30-40fps on lower end devices. The mobile systems we have here are iPhone 4th Gen, iPod Touch 1st Gen, iPad 1st Gen, HTC Desire with Android and Nokia N900 with Maemo. We will also support Flash with a likely Facebook integration and of course a native application for PC, Mac and Linux. All in all we are not sure if all of the mobile […]
All games have glitches and bugs. Good ones have very few of them, but it is impossible to go without any. Sometimes bugs are accepted as a part of the game, thus becoming features and some even work as a point of inspiration for something totally new and exciting. In this video we take a look at a small glitch where boxes are dropped at a rate that is a bit too fast, so they end up making a very cool looking explosion. This will be fixed for the final game of course, but somethings just need to be shown, […]
I am very glad for all the comments you have left in this blog! Thank you for that. And the summer is pretty much here! (Do not laugh–in Finland summer lasts only from June to August, so we take pleasure out of every moment.) I noticed it last week, because it is starting to get hot in herrre. In the office that FB is growing out of. – Our CEO Lauri had to order 20 more fans to keep the testers cool. – Artists had to close the curtains because of the sunlight. – Programmers’ computers ignited… Ok, now I […]
Ever wonder about the lights in Trine? Or maybe about camera angles and such? Well we do, a lot. Illuminating a scene in the proper way is one of the most important tasks in terms of finalizing a look of a level. Whether it be an eerie, murky swamp or a tropical island at sunset, right type of lights make or brake the atmosphere. Camera areas are important in giving the players just the right size screen to look at, so that everything is clearly visible. Action comes in when talking about different scripts for objects, enemies and such to […]