We released a Major Trine 2 update on Steam last week. The game now supports touch-based devices that run on Windows, and we have made a specific UI for those devices. Unfortunately, this update came with some unwanted issues we did not anticipate. We have just now released a hotfix which should fix these issues. Here is the whole changelog for those who are interested. **************************************************** v2.00 (build 367) – May 22nd, 2014 aka Windows Touch Screen Support Hotfix Technical: fixed launch issues on Windows XP (trine2_32bit.exe is not a valid Win32 Application) fixed ALT + F4 disabled touch screen […]
We have updated our website with a new section called ‘Jobs’. You’ll find information there about our company philosophy and our approach to making games, as well as guidelines for applying to work here at Frozenbyte. We are hiring right now. At the moment we are especially looking for experienced programmers, but the other departments are also constantly looking for talented new people. If you read through the guide and feel you would enjoy working with us and meet the criterion, please be in touch. We look forward to hearing from you!
Trine 2 has just received a major new update on Steam! The game now supports touch-based devices that run on Windows, and we’ve made a specific UI for those devices. We think the new control scheme really brings a fresh feel to Trine 2, so anyone with a touch-based device, please check it out and give us some feedback on your experience 🙂 Here’s the longer changelog for the patch: Technical Fixed crash issues Changed default resolution from 1024×768 to 1280×720 Updated Steamworks SDK Controls Added touch screen control support for Windows Added touch screen on-screen buttons for Windows […]
We’ve started looking for people to come to our office to playtest our games. We hope to get feedback and fresh perspective on our games before their official release. A new section on our website called Playtest is now up. If you’re interested, and live close by or are visiting the Helsinki area, we encourage you to sign up. What’s the catch? You get to play our games that are not yet published, perhaps not even revealed! You get to visit our office, but you need to arrange your trip to Kuusisaari yourself You get to criticize our work You […]
Sound design in games is crucial to creating an immersive experience. However, many of the sounds we need for our games don’t actually exist yet, so we need to record them ourselves. This is called Foley. We have our own in-house audio studio, where our audio team records all of the sound effects for our games. They’re always asking for random items such as old microwaves or anything else they could break in the name of sound science. Here they are smashing different types of fruit and noodles, and beating some rocks with a hammer. Sound Quiz We have […]
It’s alien hunting season again! Thanks to all the positive feedback on Steam Trading Cards from our other games, we’ve now added them to Shadowgrounds Survivor as well, and this means that all of our games now have trading cards. The Survivor cards look amazing and feature some unseen new art, so now’s a good time to restart, re-install or get the game and see which cards you’ll get. Let us know what you think! -Kai
Who would have guessed? Steam trading cards for our debut game Shadowgrounds have now been made available for all you trading card collectors out there! We received such positive feedback for the Trine and Trine 2 cards, that we decided to give something to our Shadowgrounds fans as well. Here’s a look at a few of the cards: So time to fire up the good ol’ Shadowgrounds once again to get your cards – gotta catch ’em all! -Jukka
Trine 2 is now officially released for the Nintendo Wii U in Japan, and is available through the Japanese Wii U eShop as a digital download. TRINE 2 三つの力と不可思議の – or Trine 2: Mittsu no Chikara to Fukashigi no Mori is priced at ¥1,800. You can check out the official site at: http://www.nintendo.co.jp/wiiu/wbdj/index.html The Japanese version is the same as Trine 2: Director’s Cut content-wise, but the game has been fully localized (Voices and text) and it sounds very cool in Japanese! -Kai
The Humble Weekly Sale this week is themed Frozenbyte and includes our game selection: Shadowgrounds, Shadowgrounds Survivor, Jack Claw, Trine and Trine 2: Complete Story! The Soundtracks for the Shadowgrounds and Trine series games are also included. All the games are available DRM free for Windows, Mac and Linux, and also redeemable on Steam, with the exception of Jack Claw. As usually with Humble Bundle, part of the money goes to Charity (Child’s Play Foundation and Electronic Frontier Foundation), and you can freely choose how it is divided between us the developer, Humble and the charity.
NVIDIA announced its new mobile processor, the Tegra K1 at this year’s CES a few days ago. In the presentation by NVIDIA CEO Jen-Hsun Huang, you might have seen a short bit of Trine 2 🙂 You can see the Trine 2 part shown the event at around 17:44 into this video: We’ve had our thoughts on bringing the Trine series to mobile platforms for quite some time now, but so far the technology hasn’t been powerful enough, until now! The Tegra K1 is something we’ve had the pleasure of working with, and we’re happy to say that it packs […]
Last month we concluded Huge Seal, a Steam discount coupon giveaway featuring over 30 indie games that ran from November 18th until November 25th. During the Huge Seal, users could pick 5 Steam coupons from a list of 35 games, and for every 3 games purchased, they got one random Steam key, from the list of games, for free. The aim of Huge Seal was to bring great indie games together for people to obtain at discounted prices. The campaign itself was a great experience and a success for us but the process of it coming together was a challenge […]