Are you interested in creating the greatest games? We are constantly looking for new people to join our crew. Besides our Space Program we have also other open positions. Don’t hesitate to send us an application even if your dream position isn’t listed below, as we’re always keeping our eyes and ears open for talent and would love to hear from you in a form of an application. We are not limited by any genre, audience or platform and are currently working on several new projects! See our currently open positions from below. Click the links for more information. Console […]
We are super excited to announce our new game Has-Been Heroes! This is our partnership project with GameTrust, now finally out in the open. Has-Been Heroes is a challenging roguelike game of strategy and action, coming in March 2017 for Nintendo Switch, PS4, Xbox One and PC. Check out the announcement trailer below: The Storyline Embark on an epic quest with the Has-Been Heroes, a group of legendary champions once celebrated throughout the kingdom for their heroic deeds – they have killed rats, rescued a prince, fought wars, slain a dragon… The kingdom prospered and peace prevailed. Legends grew old, […]
Frozenbyte Christmas Calendar, Day 24! Today you have a better chance to win codes for our games. As usual, you can win a Frozenbyte game key of your choosing for Steam by commenting below. But besides that we have a contest. Just draw or take a photo of something related to our games. We’ll hand out a few game keys randomly among the participants. You don’t need any skills to participate, but there is a reason why you should make an effort: the winner will get a Frozenbyte Collection for Steam, it includes all of our games that have been […]
Frozenbyte Christmas Calendar, Day 23! What a terrible mistake I made when I used “Splot” and “coup” in the same sentence in a previous blog post. It seems that the Splots got some ideas about how to feature themselves in the calendar one more time before Christmas. Splot would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas and give a present to all of you: Splot is free to download from tomorrow, December 24th, 2016 until January 6th, 2017! Pick your copy from App Store and have fun with Splot during the Holidays. ๐ Splot is free from December 24th, […]
Frozenbyte Christmas Calendar, Day 22! It’s almost Christmas already. Today we will take a closer look at what some of the Frozenbyte employees are going to do during the holidays. I asked some questions from a QA-person, a level designer, an artist, an IT-person and a coder. One of the sentences that we have used a lot in support lately has been that “our coders are super busy at the moment”, you can clearly see that from the answers. ๐ What will you do during the holidays? Will you play a lot of video games or will you take a […]
Frozenbyte Christmas Calendar, Day 21! Can we ignore the fact that I have two Trine images in a row in which we have all three heroes present. I had to swap two days with each other and this was the result. But please give me points for the connection that I tried to create in the yesterday’s post. I said that the heroes are going to need their skills today, and as you can see from the image below, they’re definitely going too need all the tricks that they have stored up in their sleeves. How many of you have […]
Frozenbyte Christmas Calendar, Day 20! We are in the Christmas mood here at the office, this is why today’s game is actually three games. Today you have a chance to win Trinelogy for Steam. This bundle includes: Trine Enchanted Edition, Trine 2: Complete Story and Trine 3: The Artifacts of Power. So leave a comment below and you have a chance to win yourself this awesome pack! Here are our heroes doing what they do best. Pontius is fighting a fierce beast, Zoya is planning a sneak attack and Amadeus… Well he is conjuring some boxes. That can also be […]
Frozenbyte Christmas Calendar, Day 19! Today you have a chance to win a Trine 3: The Artifacts of Power game key for Steam. You can participate by leaving a comment below. Remember that you can also participate on other social media channels, see instructions. When I was looking through the archives, I realized that we have a ton of art available for public from the first two games, but not that much from the third one. So let me present to you three characters from Trine 3: The Artifacts of Power. And no, this time I don’t mean our usual […]
Frozenbyte Christmas Calendar, Day 18! It seems that you people are most interested in getting codes for Shadwen. We’ll were are happy to give you a change to get Shadwen game key for GOG. Escape From the Castle update to is included for all PC platforms. Just leave a comment to this blog entry, one lucky winner will get a code. Remember that you can also participate on other channels as we give codes on each one, see instructions. I bet many of you reading this blog post are already somewhat familiar with the game, but let’s go though the […]
Frozenbyte Christmas Calendar, Day 17! Spoiler alert! If you haven’t played Trine 2: Complete Story yet, do not read any further than this paragraph. Instead, leave a comment below, win a game key for Steam, play the game and then get back here to read this day’s Christmas Calendar post. If you have played the game, read the post and leave a comment below for a change to win a copy of the game for a friend. Remember that you can also participate on other social media channels for a greater chance to win, see instructions. Our image today is […]
Frozenbyte Christmas Calendar, Day 16! Was the tittle vague enough? ๐ Nine Parchments was previously featured in our calendar as we took a closer look of one of the enemies. We got a few comments saying that people had missed our original Nine Parchments announcement. That won’t do, that won’t do at all! That is why we decided to show you more concept art from the game. So let’s take a better look of two characters shown in the trailer. The Girl… …and the Cat! Well, what do you think of our lazy dropout wizards? Which one do you think […]
Frozenbyte Calendar, Day 15! We have a lot of amazing concept art from Trine series stored in our archives and it was a really difficult task to choose images to the Christmas Calendar. We chose this concept because it’s wintertime, although I’m not sure that this is what I think when someone says winter wonderland. I’m thinking more about Santa and his elves, reindeer, chocolate trees and gingerbread men. So goblins isn’t really the first thing that comes in mind. What about you? I just realized that Amadeus is missing from this picture too. He probably ran ahead in excitement […]