Whether its building, repairing, salvaging or mining you can’t get very far with just your robot arms. Luckily there are plenty of tools available that help you with your life in space. This Starbase video will cover what those tools are and how they can be used. Interested in finding out more about the the bolt tool, cable too, building tool, pipe tool, laser cutter, durability tool and more? Check out Starbase – Tools below: Join the discussion on the official Starbase Discord, and font forget to wishlist Starbase on Steam!
We’ve just released the fourth episode of Starbase Boltcrackers. In this episode, Dr. Bolt and Bob infiltrate an Empire base disguised as engineers, and show various ways of sabotaging ships. For your ship tuning fix, including re-programming buttons, adding extra propellant tank augmentations, and more, check out Starbase – Boltcrackers Episode 4 below: Keep sending us your questions and what you’d like to see next! Join the discussion on the official Starbase Discord, and font forget to wishlist Starbase on Steam!
We’ve got two new Starbase videos this week, and it’s only Monday! These are captured from a development team test session held last week. One video is a highight reel and the other has four minutes of unedited gameplay footage from one of the players’ point of view. Space battle highlight video: Unedited gameplay video: The goal of the test was to have a small scale battle with various spaceships and handheld weapons in a simulated combat scenario between the two developer factions, the Empire and Kingdom. We’re ramping up test sessions gradually to prepare for bigger in-house events and […]
We’ve got more Starbase Boltcrackers action in store for you! In the third episode, Dr. Bolt and Bob investigate the possibility to create makeshift armor from plates, perform some tests on ship propellant tanks, and more… Check out the full video below: Keep sending us your questions and what you’d like to see next! Join the discussion on the official Starbase Discord, and font forget to wishlist Starbase on Steam!
We’re happy to announce that Trine 3: The Artifacts of Power is coming to Nintendo Switch eShop on July 29th! Store Page: Nintendo eShop North America / Nintendo eShop Europe Watch the full trailer below: About Trine 3: The Artifacts of Power Trine 3: The Artifacts of Power is a 3D platforming game of action, puzzles and adventure. The three heroes try to return their extraordinary gifts to the Artifact called Trine, and so they meddle with powers beyond their understanding: Trine shatters, and a heartless ancient sorcerer escapes. With only a broken artifact to guide them, the heroes must […]
This video focuses on one of the first things you’ll get to do in Starbase – asteroid mining! Asteroids are in high demand since they consist of a variety of materials which are used for building mostly everything in the game. The surface material of the asteroids is useful as a cheap building material for stations and such, and the core can contain valuable metals and other materials which are used in the making of, for example, spaceships, electronics, and ammunition. To learn more about asteroids and the various ways you can mine and earn credits, check out Starbase – […]
This episode focuses on what you can do with your hard earned money if you start feeling like getting yourself a place to call home… whether it be a lot at a megastation, or your very own starbase! Having your own place allows for many other practicalities. Your can get your own landing platform to keep your ship safe, build storage space for storing items or create a place to set up your own business, whatever it may be. Make sure to join our official Starbase Discord and don’t forget to join the mailinglist on the Starbase website. Remember also […]
We tested out a pilot episode of Boltcrackers a while back and it was a resounding success, so we decided to continue making these. Boltcrackers will be a series of videos dedicated to answering questions from the community about various Starbase features and their interactions. In the second episode, Dr. Bolt and his trusted assistant Bob investigate various interactions with tractor beams, cargo beams and cargo holds, and perform some crash tests between various spaceships. Check out the full episode below:
Trine: Ultimate Collection includes all four Trine games: Trine Enchanted Edition, Trine 2: Complete Story, Trine 3: The Artifacts of Power and Trine 4: The Nightmare Prince. Pre-order from your favorite retailer to get the complete Trine series in one package this fall. Please visit trine4.com for more info! Check out the Trine: Ultimate Collection Switch Announcement Trailer below: Trine: Ultimate Collection at retail includes: Trine 1-4 Trine Series Digital Soundtrack (download code) Trine 4 Digital Art Book (download code) Collector’s Reversible Cover Sheet Physical Trine 4 World Map Pre-order bonus! Pre-order Trine 4: The Nightmare Prince or Trine: Ultimate […]
It’s a new Starbase feature video! This one focuses on spaceship battles and the variety of available mounted weapons you can put on your ship. Discover how damage to different ship parts such as the fuel rods, hull or wiring can cause troublesome side effects, or lead to catastrophic failure! Check out Starbase – Spaceship Warfare & Weapons below:
In the second Trine 4 Dev Diary, we go behind the scenes with Trine series composer Ari Pulkkinen and learn how the music of the Trine series has evolved over the last 10 years! You can pre-order Trine 4 and the Trine Ultimate Collection here! Follow on Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/trineseries Like on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/trineseries
We’ve got a new Starbase feature video! This one focuses on the various handheld weapons and the gunfighting in Starbase, which has its own special quirks related to zero-gravity movement and the fully destructible environment. As spaceships are also a huge part of Starbase, you can seamlessly transition from a spaceship fight to a gunfight. You can fight on ships while the ships are moving, jump off from one ship to another or board the enemy’s ship and seize control! Sounds like a lot of fun? Check out Starbase – Gunfights & Weapons: If you want to know more details […]