It’s video time yet again as a new Starbase feature video is here!
This time its about endoskeletons, or in other words, the playable robots. In Starbase, no matter how many and how great spaceships and stations you own, the most important thing you’ll possess will always be your very own endoskeleton, as it is what allows you to experience life in space with ease.

Excited about customizing your own robot? Then make sure to watch Starbase – Endoskeleton Feature Video below!
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One comment on “Starbase – Your Endoskeleton (Feature Video #14)”
Oh god, it’s really cool !
And, somes ideas, if:
– head is destroy, the render switch to a thermal or sonar vision.
– arm is destroy, you can’t use weapon but if you have autodestruction module, you can explode the enemy !
– jetpack is destroy, you can’t fly.
– legs is destroy, you can’t move but use the jetpack.
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