Trine: Ultimate Collection includes all four Trine games: Trine Enchanted Edition, Trine 2: Complete Story, Trine 3: The Artifacts of Power and Trine 4: The Nightmare Prince.
Pre-order from your favorite retailer to get the complete Trine series in one package this fall. Please visit trine4.com for more info!
Check out the Trine: Ultimate Collection Switch Announcement Trailer below:
Trine: Ultimate Collection at retail includes:
- Trine 1-4
- Trine Series Digital Soundtrack (download code)
- Trine 4 Digital Art Book (download code)
- Collector’s Reversible Cover Sheet
- Physical Trine 4 World Map
Pre-order bonus!
Pre-order Trine 4: The Nightmare Prince or Trine: Ultimate Collection at select retailers to get a Trine 4 Cloth Poster and bonus in-game content!
To learn more about Trine 4: The Nightmare Prince and the Ultimate Collection, please visit trine4.com
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19 comments on “Trine: Ultimate Collection Coming to Nintendo Switch This Fall!”
Are all 4 games on the cartridge, or is just Trine 4 on the cart with 1-3 available with a download code?
Trine 4 is on the cartridge, Trine 1-3 is included as a download code. 🙂
Is this 1 through 3 as one game file or do you get 4 separate games on your console?
They all should be separate files on your console 🙂
I was going to buy that, but since you decide not to release the whole package on a catrige (i think the space would be not that big) 24GB would fit on a 32GB Catridge. I am not going to buy that, sorry but it was not realy communicated well, as you can see at the Information. Trine 1-4 there is no Information it is only 4 on Catridge. At the Soundtrack you have that Information. Nevermind hope you bring one 1 a complet package so many other and me can enjoy the game, without any Services.
Sorry for the late answer, there have been a lot of messages to go through. Unfortunately there were last minute changes regarding production schedules that prevented all 4 games being on the cartridge, which was our original plan and our wish. I’m very sorry about the disappointment this has caused, we did our best to communicate the info to our retailers and customers online, but sadly it looks like the information did not reach everyone on time. Thank you for your feedback, we’ll work hard to improve our communications in the future.
Hi there. I pre ordered Trine Ultimate through Best Buy, I just received it in the mail but I don’t think I received the ore order bonuses. Was Best Buy one of the retailers participating in the ore order bonuses?
Sorry for the late reply! Which version did you purchase? There was supposed to be a voucher inside the game case with a code that you can use to redeem the soundtrack and the artbook at http://www.trine4.com/redeem. Did you receive that? There was also supposed to be a folded map of Trine 4, usually inside the game case (depending on which platform you got it for). The cloth poster was very limited in quantity so not all pre-orders were able to get it, this varies a lot between retailers and when you placed your order.
If you didn’t receive any of these items with your order, please contact Best Buy directly to ensure they have sent you the right version of the game. Best Buy is among the official retailers who were offering the pre-orders, so you should have received the items. Sorry for the inconvenience!
Feedback for future game releases, please have it listed somewhere that the physical pre order bonuses are in store only. I had the game shipped to me. Incredibly upset that this information wasn’t provided.
Thanks for the feedback. The pre-order bonuses were not in-store only, this varied between different retailers. I’m sorry for the lack of information and the disappointment this has caused, we will do our best to improve.
i just bought the game and the download code on the switch not currently available ?
Sorry for the very late reply! Were you able to download the game after this or is the code still not working? If you’re still having trouble with the code, please contact our publisher Modus Games, they should be able to help with code issues. You can reach them the easiest via their support: https://modusgames.com/support/ Sorry for the inconvenience!
My friend bought Nintendo Switch’s Trine: Ultimate Collection, but the download code, only can download Trine 1, cannot download Trine 2 & 3. Can you help? The game is Euro version.
He asked the game shop, game shop owner also said few customers occur this situation
Please ask your friend to contact our publisher, Modus Games, they should be able to arrange him a new code to get the rest of the games unlocked. He can contact them via https://modusgames.com/support/. Sorry about the trouble, I hope the situation gets sorted out soon!
I bought Trine 4 physically. Now the collection is on sale on the eshop. If I buy the collection will the games come as seperate codes so maybe I can donate my digital version of 4 to a friend of mine?
Hi there, unfortunately Trine: Ultimate Collection comes with a single code, so there won’t be separate game codes for each game. This means you are unable to give a digital copy of Trine 4 to your friend. Sorry for the inconvenience!
I have seen different packaging’s for Trine Ultimate Collection. One of them appears to have all the games inside the cartridge instead of as download codes. Is that right? Is there such a difference?. To me is important as I only buy physical games as living in a nation without Nintendo Online I have no idea what I could do with download codes. Hope you reply. Thanks!
Unfortunately all physical editions of the Ultimate Collection on the Switch only contain Trine 4 on the cartridge and 1-3 as downloads. We originally wanted to have all 4 games on the cartridge, but due to production reasons this wasn’t possible in the end. 🙁 Sorry for the inconvenience!
I bought in eShop switch version of Trine:Ultimate Collection and after that downloading started only for 4th part of the game. Can you help me find an answer.
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