Starbase is a game of vast scope and countless features, so we’ve opened up a Wiki for you to start exploring! Check it out at You can find a ton of useful information about the game on the wiki, and we’ll be updating it regularly with new details, trying to keep it as the center of knowledge for all Starbase-related things.

Oh, and in case you missed it, we’ve started a new video series yesterday called Boltcrackers! The pilot episode where our robot engineers investigated the possibility of ships within ships is available here:
That’s it for this week, we hope you enjoyed these updates. Stay tune for more!

44 comments on “Starbase Wiki Opened”
Oh god i cant wait for this game. I checked your playlists on youtube and there was a bit of gameplay and the game is as good as the trailer. Its very unique with the YOLOL programming, i cant wait for that.
Same situation
Can the ships run without the YOLOL programming or will we need it. Just curious since I can’t wait for the game but a bad programmer.
We’re planning to release a lot of tutorials, but yes YOLOL is completely optional 🙂
How many factions are there.
And will we be able to make our own?
Two for now. Yes, we encourage making your own. 🙂
Is/will there /be a way to run your own server? Seems like it would be perfect for LANstyle gaming, modding a bit as you prefer it etc.
Not planned at the moment, sorry!
I watch all the u-tube clips and this game looks sweet. But i was just wondering when it come to ship size if it will be limited by lvl, part number, material strength, or a max size box ?
There is no built-in limit in the game for how big the ships can be, though huge ships might of course be difficult to make strong enough to survive space travel. Thanks for the support! 🙂
So, shipbuilding obviously being a main focus of the game, has me and a bunch of friends wondering, what kind of size constraints will we be limited to when constructing our own ships? I’ve looked around in various places and haven’t found anything regarding the limits to size. The ones I’ve seen in a couple of videos such as the trailer, while of decent size, weren’t necessarily anything as large as we were hoping for. Is there anything you could tell us in this regard about how much bigger we can go?
We currently don’t have any info about how far the limits of ship-building can be pushed, as in there is no built-in limit to how many blocks can be used on a single ship or maximum dimensions. The only real ‘limits’ with enormous spaceships are with the structural integrity of the ship’s design and performance, but at this point we do need a larger playerbase to push the limits and see what’s possible and what’s not. The biggest ships we have made so far are the frigates (the biggest warships seen in the trailer) and they run rather smoothly with our engine, but we fully expect players will start building Death Stars and Star Destroyers as soon as the game is out.
Will there be other factions and how can I make my own faction?
The game will start off with the two developer-made factions, Kingdom and Empire, but players can also choose to remain neutral and not join either of those. Players can make their own factions and we highly encourage it. Factions will have their own UI and will function like traditional clans, at least at the start of Early Access.
In the description of the rocket launcher, it mentions tanks. Are you planning on having wheeled or tracked vehicles on the game?
Possibly later on, but currently wheels wouldn’t serve any purpose since there are no planets etc. locations with gravity or atmosphere to land on. We will likely consider implementing them once planet/moon landings are possible. 🙂
Since this is a single universe game. How will players protect their things while offline? And how will griefing be dealt with?
Players can rent their own lots at Mega Stations, which can be used for storing any items the player doesn’t want to carry in their inventory. Players have full control over who can access their lot, so they can keep their possessions safe. Ships can also be despawned at Mega Stations so others cannot come and steal your ship while you are offline. Mega Stations are safe zones so players cannot kill each other or destroy each other’s things in them and they are also used as spawning locations, so spawn-camping in these locations isn’t possible.
We are also planning a type of in-game police/peacekeeper faction to deal with griefing. 🙂
Hi there fallos Finnsementti at Frozenbyte!
How long is the early access period? Is there a planned timestamp or does it go live “when its ready”?
Thanks! Kiitos! 🙂
While Star base is early access how in depth will the scripting be? Example will you be able to make lists of variables that represent like, pitch and yaw and roll and then give that to a gyro to move only one engine around but fly in all directions?
So, when this comes out me and my buddies will be dumping space engineers in the garbage. But my only real questions are
1) steam workshop support?
2) are you guys allowed to give an approximate release date yet, like, Q3 2019, Q4 2019? If you cant answer that then thats cool dont worry about it.
1) We are considering workshop support, but the designs are still open whether we want to use it or a system of our own, for example for ship designs.
2) All we have for now is 2019 – stay tuned 🙂
Is there going to be some type of magnet to hold something like a missile on the outside of your ship then release it and fire it. Or will you just have to hold it with tractor beams. Rather way I just wanna maugature missiles and sell them and I’m just wondering how my customers will use the space missiles. Any way I’m SO excited for starbase!
i’ve read the comments, and i have yet to see a pricing. have you revealed the pricing? and, if not, do you have any estimates?
The price has not yet been decided, but 40 USD is the highest we’re thinking at the moment.
So, like how will jobs work, and can players make their own jobs, if so how would that work, how will cash work and can I hire people to make my place nice and my ship as well
We are currently still working on the job system so I cannot give any details about it yet, but there will be terminals/counters at stations where you can take on jobs. Some jobs are one time only, some can be repeated as many times as you want (for example asteroid mining). It’s likely that later on other players can create jobs for each other but how this will work hasn’t been decided yet.
is there an estimated price, or are you still crunching the numbers?
No word on the price yet, stay tuned!
This game looks awesome but i dont know if my pc can run it. are the recommended specs on steam correct? you see I have a quite worthless gtx 970 and an I7 4790k. i am planning to uppgrade but i dont have an income so i dont know when or how but i do really want to play this game.
The specs on Steam are a very rough estimate and it’s likely that they will come down once we’ve finished the optimization, but we can’t say by how much at this point since the development is still on-going. I think it should still be playable on 970, though. For reference, our office PCs are i7 with 1060s and Starbase runs very smoothly on them.
This game could easily become one of the best games 2019
Space game of the year, by the looks of it, it’s not gonna be like no Man’s sky (where it was falsly advetised).
In one of your demonstration videos you showed how cutting even the smallest of pieces off of your space craft made it list to one side, i feel it is going to be really hard to make space ships that fly straight, so are you planning on having some type of center of mass and centre of thrust indicators to help?
The Flight Control Unit, FCU, is designed for this. FCU takes control input and translates it into thruster values, balancing out placement issues and such. So you don’t have to have all of your thruster assemblies exactly positioned so the centre of thrust is aligned with the centre of mass.
does the cargo lock frame also work at players?
No, (un)fortunately it doesn’t work on player characters.
I would love to get this, however, having no dedicated server option for offline LAN play will prevent me from purchasing this game 🙁
I will watch it develop, though. Great ideas!
No worries, the support is appreciated nevertheless. Thank you! 🙂
Is there a planned CBT before live servers? I do like the bugs to be worked out. It will also like to see streamers play it and give an honest opinion. I’m very skeptical. I love the bolt crackers thou.
Yes, we are likely holding alpha/beta testing phases before going into EA. Currently there is no word on the schedule regarding the tests but we do want to have them, there is only so much our in-house team can locate. 🙂
Well, thanks for letting me know if you do have a schedule.If you need testers free to send me an email, In regards to it. I am happy to help. If needed. =] Take the time you need for In-House projects. Everyone is hyped still and want to go as smooth as possible.
Ok this might be a little long. Q1: Are you still on track for 2019? Q2: construction appers to be a modular item basing, will there be prefabricated things for players(not me) to get into at the start? Q3: Coming from Space engineers, no mans sky, and ark survival evolved. I’m slightly concerned of how quick the “end game” portion will come. Is there plans on furthering end game as time goes on? Q4: decor. My group is a group of heavily realistic builders, we build most things to be accurate to life sustainment. Bedrooms, kitchens, common rooms, etc. How much of that is present in this? Q5: Lastly. Most mmo’s have a bad tendency to flat line on income and either go to monthly subscriptions or in game item/dlcs what is the take on that once that problem arrives? Btw my group is heavily excited to play this, including myself. The style of the game is definitely impressive, very impressed with the effort and quality shown.
Thanks for the questions! I’ll do my best to answer them all. 🙂
1) The plan for the schedule is still the same, so nothing new to report at the moment. 2) Yes, there are pre-made parts for building that you can use in the building editors. 3) We plan on adding new content to the game as time goes by. The universe is expanding constantly, so the plan is to implement new star systems for players to discover and settle in. The short distance plan is to introduce moons, and we hope that we can implement accessible, landable planets eventually as well. 4) We’re going to add furniture items and such eventually, though they are currently not in the game yet as building modules since ship and station parts take priority. But decor is definitely coming further down the line, we do want players to make their bases feel like a home in every way. 5) We have no plans for subscription fees, loot boxes or anything like that, our development team and CEO are heavily against that sort of business model, so Starbase will be one-time purchase only. Our older games sell well and we have other promising titles besides Starbase in the works, so there is no need for us to consider a subscription model. Later on we might consider some small cosmetic in-app purchases, but we want to ensure that the best gear can always be acquired only by playing the game. So no ‘pay to win’ plans from our side.
I hope these helped, let me know if you have any more questions!
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