“It seemed like a perfect time to focus on finding new accessories.”
– The Narrator
The students of the Astral Academy are not after only their school’s missing spell parchments, but there are other fascinating things to be found out there in the great wide yonder.
There are chests hidden all across the perilous journey, and while some are sadly empty, others contain fashionable pieces of millinery: hats! Each student has their own hat, but they find stranger and more wondrous hats as their quest progresses.
Playing on a harder difficulty allows you to find more interesting, rarer hats, but there are plenty of hats to be found also in easy and normal difficulty.
Hats don’t affect your gameplay, but they allow you to distinct yourself from your fellow students, and show off your monster defeating feats.
Staves, however, are another matter entirely.
Staves are found throughout the levels. You may be able to wrestle some from the hands (or claws, or paws) of the monsters you are facing, while others staves require a little puzzlework, or quick feet. Alternatively, you can collect quills, which are automatically turned in for staves.
Or you may simply chase one until you catch it…
Most importantly, each students has their own staff. These staves are the key to unlocking all the playable characters in Nine Parchments.
10 comments on “Nine Parchments — Hats and Staves”
That pumkin is too adorable.
Wait, a Pumpkin Hat? Lol Since when was That released?
Unfortunately the Pumpkin Hat does not drop anywhere in the game at this time. But you never know if it’ll show up during a seasonal event, so we will see.
Any hope left for the pumpkin hat?
Forward this inquiry to the team. Unfortunately there were some hiccups when we tried to add the hat to the game so it was never released. It is unlikely that we’d be able to add it later either. 🙁
Nine parchments 2!!!
Halloween is coming soon! Still want to get that pumpkin hat in the game.🎃
How do you get Amadeus’s third staff? Is it even in the game? I cannot find anything on it, not what it does, not what it looks like, not even its name. All there is is a silhouette of its shape…
Sorry for the late reply, we’d missed your comment for some reason. Amadeus actually only has 2 staves in the game. The third staff in the same row is The Entomaniac’s Staff, which is dropped by Silk Tree Guard boss in level 20.
When you’re going on a trip somewhere and bring along that ONE friend…
Cornelius Crownsteed, I salute you. ❤
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