Nintendo Switch update for the Nine Parchments has now been approved and it’s available for download! 😊
• You can now store up to 10 runs
• Fixes to saves being wiped when disconnecting from an online game
• Online game can be started alone, no need to wait for others to join in the lobby
• A lot of bug fixes to different kinds of issues of camera not moving and enemies not spawning or dying correctly
• Changes to the online matchmaking logic
• The invisible quill in Endless Snowbanks is now visible
• Fix to the ”The Hero of Trine” Amadeus not unlocking if Amadeus dead when the boss is defeated
• Other minor fixes
These changes are included in the first update. We are working hard with the next patch already, so remember to stay tuned for updates!
45 comments on “Update for the Nintendo Switch has now been released!”
Nice, finally Nintendo did their job!
Does this patch update the button needed for a local player to join a game? I’d love to use my Gamecube controllers with the Gamecube adapter, but there is no (-) button to have other players join the game! Argh!
Unfortunately we don’t support Gamecube controllers, however it should be possibly to add one through the game’s Main Menu if you still want to try it.
Sorry for the inconvenience and let me know if you have any questions!
This problem is not limited to Gamecube Controllers, but also joycons held sideways. Here’s my analysis after much testing:
Two Joycons:
1. Connected two joycons to the Switch.
2. A player can Join by pressing the minus (-) button. (No other buttons will cause them to join.) While playing, pressing the minus (-) button will cause the player to Drop Out.
One Joycon Held Sideways:
1. Connect the joycon to the Switch. Either the game or the system (not sure which) will assume it is being held vertically. While most games automatically bring up the “Change Order/Grip” menu to add a new controller (like Mario Kart, for example) Nine Parchments does not, requiring additional steps:
2. Press the home button on one of the right joycons.
3. Go to the Controllers menu.
4. Select “Change Order/Grip”
5. Reconnect all other controllers that were connected (if any) in the exact order they were before using the L/R buttons as directed on-screen, otherwise, the order of players and characters becomes scrambled. (There’s probably a pattern to it, but not that I can figure out.)
6. Connect the new joycon with the SL and SR buttons.
7. Return to the game.
8. Press a button on P1s controller to remove the “A controller has been disconnected” message. Once again, if it’s not P1, the order of players and characters might get scrambled. You’ll probably have to dismiss the message several times, as the message seems to appear one after another per controller disconnected during the “Change Order/Grip” step.
9. Press any button or move the control stick to Join. There is no way to drop using a single joycon during the game. The plus (+) or minus (-) buttons do nothing unless the joycon is being used for P1, in which case it pauses the game. This means you must return to the main menu and resume the game in order to drop out characters.
GameCube Controllers:
GameCube controllers using the GameCube adapter are treated by the Switch operating system as USB Controllers, which means they are treated as if they were two joycons. This means they can be used to the play the game, except they have no ZL button, which means you can’t use melee (only a minor problem), and no minus (-) button, which means they can’t Join or Drop Out during a game ever. You can use one GameCube controller by using it to select “Resume Game.” This will place it as P1. No additional GameCube controllers can be used except when starting a new game, as joining a brand new game requires the “A” button, rather than the minus (-) button. Warning: Attempting to “Change Order/Grip” while a GameCube controller is connected might confuse the game. For me, it seems to disable all buttons on all controllers except the pause button on P1’s controller, requiring you to return to the main menu.
My Thoughts:
I would like to see improvements to how controllers connect. I see two ways games usually do this: They either bring up the “Change Order/Grip” so you can decide to use the newly connected controller as one joycon held sideways or two joycons (like Mario Kart), or they let a player join by pressing the L and R buttons on the connected controler(s) (this way the game knows if it’s sideways, because the player presses the SL/SR buttons in this case). In addition, I would like to be able to drop out when using joycons held sideways.
I don’t know much about programming for Switch hardware and firmware, so I’m not sure how the system handles the plus (+) and (-) button when a single joycon is being used, but my first thought is that programming the game so controllers always join or drop out if the plus (+) or minus (-) button for that controller is held down for a second might do this. (If this is done, pausing the game will need to be changed to only pause if the button is pressed and released quickly, rather than held.)
Most people don’t have enough joycons and pro controllers to suit 4 players comfortably. so fixing the join/drop issue for the GameCube controller would probably be very simple and extremely valuable for some players. Just make the change regarding using +/- to join or drop out with single joycons to also apply to using two joycons. This would allow the plus (+) button when using two joycons (or the Start button on the GameCube controller) to allow one to join or drop out.
If any of this information is incorrect or there is something I’m missing, please let me know!
I forgot to mention this, but this game truly is a work of art! So beautiful and engaging in so many ways! I got this game to play with my little brothers and the process has been very frustrating. Playing alone, I’ve been able to experience and see the beauty of the game, but I hope to see this game grow in terms of UI/UX so my friends and brothers and I can properly experience it with each other like you guys intended. Tell the team they’re all freakin’ awesome!
Sorry for the delay, we have been quite busy!
I just wanted to say thanks for the comments and for your feedback. We’ll be looking into the matter with the controllers, and hopefully can come up with a fix. I’m not sure if we’ll be able to support Gamecube controllers, but let’s see.
Also an extra thanks for the praise. It means a lot to us. 😊
I sent this in an e mail towards them, but what do you guys think?
For those who have grinded and played this game to death…how about the Option to …
Let Random Monsters (different monsters from any level, with random Immunes) appear on Any level.
Like… You have the same monsters appear in the same spot with the same abilities etc etc… that’s normal. Players Know what to expect and always have their Skills/Spells Ready for the Same Monsters Every time. So it’s really not a challenge…
HOWEVER, being able to have Any Monsters appear instead always adds to the “Element of Surprise” And “Difficulty”.
Now matter how good a player IS, for a Random Monster (like that Horrid Cricket Monster with the staff that throws that death spell)- Have 3 or 5 of them be the 1st to appear on the 1st Level in the first Fight.
Let them even have an Aura that hurts you if your in it.
Now that is Challenging/Unexpected. But that’s just 1 example. Monsters shouldn’t be just limited to a stage due to an environment or anything like that. Make the game Fun/Yet Challenging.
In my Opinion, by doing this, you add more to the replay value.
THE Boss Fights can stay the same though…….. or make them have different attacks/patterns?
Like that “SHRIMP”… Let him blow Fire but in 3 random different directions towards the “Players” for example.
For the “BULLS/PIGS” Let 4 different varieties come out of the mirrors, Instead of all of them being 1 element.
The Ice Falcon…. when he raises the eyes from the ground…. if the players are On it, let them take damage from the Ice walls (I thought you would take damage if you were on it…it looks horribly sharp).
Adding more Hats/Staffs and *drools* new Characters would be awesome….
Letting a player go past level 60 would be great (but they can’t place any more skills anywhere?)
This game is Great and I still enjoy it every day I’ve played..but the potential can be so much more!
I know it takes time..and I’m Sure you guys are proud of what you’ve done…but don’t stop here, keep going!
Excuse my typos.
No matter how good a player IS, for a Random Monster (like that Horrid Cricket Monster with the staff that throws that death spell)- Have 3 or 5 of them be the 1st to appear on the 1st Level in the first Fight.
The Ice Falcon…. when he raises the “”ICE”” from the ground…. if the players are On it, let them take damage from the Ice walls (I thought you would take damage if you were on it…it looks horribly sharp).
I don’t know if we got your email about this, but thanks for the suggestions!
There is actually one feature that already makes fights harder; if you’re playing well you’re going to see more elite monsters. These stronger enemies appear if you don’t die or lose much health. There is also a little bit variation in game already, but let me know if you’d like more of it – it sounded like you would?
I can’t promise any changes, but yeah if there is more comments about these we might look into it. Cheers! 🙂
Really? I haven’t noticed…..
Not sure “how” harder monsters can appear because by the time you get to the next “Battle area” All the characters health is Full.
OH…….how about making it so that between battles you don’t let the characters health Regenerate? I guess…….??
Hmm… As much as I’ve beaten this game..there are still monsters I haven’t seen, and I’ve been all over the difficulty.
They appear if you don’t lose much health in battles. So, it doesn’t matter that your health goes back to full. 😊
Buy another Game 😉
Lol why? What game you suggest?
I mean you already played it in any difficulty through. There is a time you should change to the next game. NP has enough difficulty. There are a lot other good games and maybe one day we will get an expansion or sequel foe nine parchments.
True, however no other games comes to mind (or that I’ve seen) that has interested me the same way as Nine Parchments.
The replay value is here enough for Me simply because at the very least I can help “Others” find treasure chests or help them beat bosses.
Playing on Easy/Normal mode with lol “N00bies” gives me a sense of purpose.
It’s frustrating at times, yes but I don’t mind it so much sometimes.
Just out of curiousity, do you guys have any plans for dlc characters, pr and dlc at all?
Mainly because I would love to see the roster expand (I say this yet I still haven’t unlocked anyone past Carabel), and I certainly hold out hope for seeing Marvick’s wife, Poppy, take the field herself!
Unfortunately nothing to announce at the moment, but thanks for your interest. So maybe! 🙂
I think you can get away with a smaller incremental DLC. I have a few ideas that should not be too hard to put together
1. New parchments / spells
People that have the DLC can host the game and anyone can enjoy; However, those who have not purchased it cannot be a host. Having said that, you can add new parchments, which can have different color paper, let’s say 1 out 3 of your choices will include a new DLC spell
2. New characters
Similar to above, in regards to everyone can still play together. Obviously, only the people that have purchased the DLC should be allowed to play the DLC characters. I would challenge you to include a melee character, another support character and, of course another mage.
3. Special DLC item that allows you to pick your 3 starting spells.
An item that would allow this kind of modification to the characters would be most welcome. Otherwise, you could just make this a special unlock for Gilded characters?
4. Crafting
If the monsters dropped “magical essence” that you could collect for crafting additional stats into the accessories. This would introduce farming runs, rather than just random loot runs. Obviously bosses at the higher difficulty level would give very interesting “magical essence”. You don’t need a fancy crafting table or recipes. Just have us stick it into a magical cauldron throw in whatever we want and a random thing comes out the other end (spell regen, charges, resistance, etc). — obviously the higher quality rating of “essence” the it would produce a higher tier result.
I love this new patch! Now with all the saves it´s really nice that i can start a game on my own or with other guys and so on and i´m still playing the game with a lot of fun! The soundtrack is also, besides of the beautiful graphics, one of the best i´ve ever heard 🙂 You did a really good job guys *thumbup*
I submitted a pretty long message here earlier today, I am wondering if it got read/deleted.
We accept the comments manually so it might take some time before they show up. Sorry for the inconvenience!
Note: The context for this message is in the hardcore mode)
This game is great! I literally only play the healer class to push along players online and I love the secret move of doing and receiving a lot of “happy jumps” from the online community.
1. Party wipe when new player spawns out of field
There’s obviously the occasional bug when people join in the middle of the game, where they end up spawning and dragging the camera way out of view —- which leads to a full wipe of the party. Most people know this is a bug, so they kindly leave and rejoin before the timer kills the whole group. Sometimes we exit the game just before the wipe to take advantage of the auto-save. So your feature is great, but of course, the bug fix would make it less aggravating for others.
2. Gilded characters
In hardcore, I play the Exchange Student (healer) which of course is far superior of a choice. My character is at the max level of 60. — Here is the thing. I don’t think people understand that once you unlock the Gilded character, then the level cap is unlocked. — I see a lot of people rolling around using the Gilded character in hardcore. There are a couple big reasons. (1) They want other party members to know they are at least “certified” to play. (2) They don’t know that you don’t need to roll a Gilded character. —- What I would like, really really small thing, is an icon that let’s you know if you are MAX level (currently 60) to other players. It covers the two points well and discretely. — But for those of us that are playing for the 500+ hours level, it would be appreciated to show off a badge of some kind. There is no need to show the actual level, I get why, and I like it that way too.
3. End game of end game.
Other than a request for a DLC, would you consider a really EPIC hardcore mode? I mean like, “I don’t want to play the game anymore because it is so hard” kind of hardcore? While you are at it, you could level block it to 60+ only, and maybe do us a big solid and raise the level cap max to 80? (Most of us at this level know what we want to do with the spec tree to make it really crazy!)
I hope they are gonna do something (continue) to do something with this game. I want this game to prosper in longevity.
For biggest issue is joining a game…but then your automatically in the resurrection circle..and when the others try to revive you… your Unable to move because your invisible and can’t do anything.
Horribly annoying.
Thanks for the report and your suggestions! I’ll forward them ahead and we’ll look into it.
I can’t promise anything, but we’re especially unsure about adding a more difficult mode… It’s not impossible, but we have gotten quite much messages about how hard the game is. So, this isn’t commonly requested.
And about the joining bug, we recently discovered that the skill Rising Spirits sometimes causes trouble when joining. So to avoid issues we recommend leaving this skill locked in the tree. Here are the character’s that have the skill in question: Cornelius, Gislan, Marvek, Nim and Amadeus.
Sorry about this, but we’re currently looking into this and hopefully can start to push updates out during this week. Cheers!
I am playing this game with PS4.
When is this update introduced to the PS version?
It is a very fun game, but it is regrettable that there are not many people online, because it is caused by many defects.
I hope to fix a problem as soon as possible.
Unfortunately I can’t give an estimate on when it will be released, but we are working on it right now, so hopefully soon!
Thank you for your reply.
I am looking forward to it!
All MY INFO GONE/DELETED AGAIN???????????????????????????????????????????!!!!
I Thought y’all Fixed all of this in the patch!!!
What incompetence is this? REALLY? SERIOUSLY???
Sorry about this! We did add fixes, but sounds like we might have missed something. 😟
Please send us more details at Support[at]Frozenbyte[dot]com and we’ll look into this!
Any update on when the patch for the PS4 will be released? Can we at least get multiple save files?
Otherwise LOVE this game, and so does my whole family. The art, music and gameplay are wonderful, and it is great to have a game that offers local multi-player.
We are working on getting the patch out ASAP! Unfortunately no ETA for now, but hopefully soon!
I have a question (Maybe I should of asked in the e mails… but)
when Joining a game…. your character Automatically goes in the “Resurrection circle” (Especially during battle scenes).
Is that suppose to happen?
Whether it’s suppose to happen or not… Why does..when a person DOES resurrect a new player into that game…. A glitch occurse when a person’s name just appears in the game and the character is invisible/can’t move…
Not a problem, luckily I saw your message promptly this time. 🙂
The fact that you have to join as “a spirit” in battles is a safe mechanism we have against cheating. So, basically without it everyone could be disconnecting and connecting to avoid death. Sorry though if this seems to cause trouble!
And about the situation, this is probably a bug with the Rising Spirits skill. Unfortunately at the moment having this skill might cause not being able to join games properly. I believe this is what happened to you.
So, as a current workaround I recommend not to have Rising Spirits skill chosen. This skill is available in their skill trees for the following characters: Cornelius, Gislan, Marvek, Nim and Amadeus.
Sorry for the trouble, but the next patch should fix this. Also let me know if you have any other questions, or run into any other issues!
Ahh I see, thanks for explaining that.
I just pray to Gawed My data doesn’t get randomly erased again. -_-
what are players suppose to do …when a player Does drop in to play..but is invisible..and they refuse to leave……
This stops the game from moving on if the player decides to be a troll and just stays in the game.
Sure you can leave the game and restart it…but you’d have to fight the battles again. Which isn’t fair for those who did fight to win that particular battle.
(or will the next patch fix this?)
Sorry for this late answer to your question.
We are planning to add a kick feature to the game and hopefully it’ll be implemented as soon as possible. This should fix and help these kind of situations you have come across.
First congratz for the game, its beautifull xD
i was wondering this days, what could Frozenbyte do more in this game?!
and after many crazy ideas i got stuck on the friendly fire perck that this game have that allmost every single game dont have!
What if in a dlc with more maps more story more everything we could have a VS Mode?! imagine 5 or 10 people “magicling” around killing everyone, where beams colide and recochete to a scary low hp players and get killed in the epic caos of magic elements!?
God that would be crazy fun for me….. anyone out there qould like to see this comming true?!
ps: sorry for the English xD
Awesome ideas and kind words, I’ll forward the suggestions to the team. And hey, you never know what the future brings.
Happy adventuring.
Doesn’t save your progress this game made me cry!! Dont buy it! Even after this update.
Sorry to hear that the game has been troublesome. We have released a new patch to the Switch version last week, on the 16th. This patch should fix the Save issue, and more. I hope it helps you and your adventures.
Maybe a dumb question but.. is it possible to run an online private game with friends, then save.. and later play locally with these friends (and online again another time…) ?
Another question : I guess if we start a 4-players game, then save, then play with 2 (of 4 players), save.. later the 2 remaining players will be able to join where we stopped but they won’t be as much evolved as us.. is it right?
It’s possible to play the same level through the Resume Game menu, but unfortunately your friend’s character progress would be stored on their device. So, it’s not possible to continue the exact same game locally.
To your second question, yeah your friends would have less progress but the number of extra spells you get is always the same, so it might not be that bad.
I hope this helped, but if you have more questions just email to us at Support[at]Frozenbyte[dot]com. We’ll also try to answer here, but that’s the surest way to reach us.
My friend and I play online together. When we restarted it made our game public and random people joined. We know this isn’t the case on pc. Is there an intent to fix this on the switch or are we doing something wrong ?
I don’t think you’re doing anything wrong, so yes I can confirm that this issue exists and actually does happen on PC too. We have tried to fix this number of times, but unfortunately we’re out of clues, so I can’t promise a fix. We’re really sorry for the inconvenience! 😟
Though if random people join, note that you can kick them from the in-game menu. I know this isn’t ideal, but at least it’s something you can do.
Thanks! Can you explain how to kick people on the switch? We can’t find it. When we hit the plus sign to go to menu the closest option we have is to go to the main menu ourselves, but then we’re leaving the game and losing our own progress.
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