Nine Parchments has sparked a lot of activity on our different social media channels and we’re grateful for all the comments and feedback we’ve received. Our Support team will continue replying to the messages, but other teams are also busy working on improving the game based on said feedback. Some fixes will be available sooner, some later. Here is a quick update on the major issues we’re tackling right now.
Multiple Save Files
This feature is asked for the most and we’re working on it as fast as we can. We expect it to be done early next week and plan to include it in the next patch for both Switch and Steam. Here’s a mockup of what the menu will possibly look like.

This is a mockup of the upcoming Save selection menu
Losing Progress
Some players are losing hats, staves, or experience they have collected. We’re investigating this, and have found and fixed one cause of experience loss in Multiplayer on Steam. This one fix is coming to Switch in the next update.
If you’d like to help us, we’d especially need more reports of losing items in Single Player mode. So, if this has happened to you please email us at the following address. Please include info on where it happened as well as your platform.
Online Games
Online player list and joining games in general should now work on Steam, even in middle of levels. Of course if there are any issues, let us know and we will fix them as soon as possible.
We’re also working on how private online games turned public and have already fixed this on Steam. However note that this works only on private games created after the fix was patched in.
We’re also working on making it possible to see the latency of other players when selecting online games.
Friendly Fire Issue
Friendly Fire settings resetting between levels is currently under investigation.
The first update for Nintendo Switch will be submitted for approval next week and released as soon as it goes through. The second update will be submitted early January. We will be patching Steam continuously as soon as there are improvements to release.
That’s all for now, but stay tuned for updates!

Just like Nim, we’re here to clean these issues!
89 comments on “Upcoming Updates to Nine Parchments”
Thanks for your hard work and the update. Please continue to do great work! – Jason
Thanks for the update info and the awesome game!
I was really excited to get this game, but then I saw some pretty negative reviews. Glad to see that you are addressing most of the aspects that were criticized. May get this game after all, if the updates go well!
I lost all of game save! please help!!
I’ve just finished all of story mode, then lost every memory
Sorry to hear! There isn’t exactly a way recover your save, but we’ll try to email you about this soon.
I lost all my progress due to corrupted data…:( idon’t think i can start all over again its the worst possible thing that could happen
Hi guys, there are more issues. I did send an email, but did not get an auto response. So just in case, contents posted here below.
Big fan of your guys work and really loving the Nine Parchments.
Below are some bugs I’ve picked up:
1. Multiplayer (MP) is broken, irrespective of your internet connection it doesn’t connect or allow you to join other people’s games. I have a 50 meg up and down line and I’m still unable to connect and also have problems hosting a game
After several times you might get into a public game or be able to host a game, if you lucky.
Other games on the Nintendo Switch with online MP works fine, it’s happening on this game which is annoying as you need other people to play with to enjoy this beautiful game.
2. You can not start MP on your own. You always need people online to start a game.
3. You can not set a stage where you will like to carry on with in MP. You have to start the game from the start all over again. If you tried to find the stage other people are playing, you can’t connect to it which ties back to point 1.
4. The camera tracking is not always on target and should be tracking your character only and not other players. If I’m moving forward the camera tracks the player not moving but standing still….this is broken in my opinion. Due to this ppl actually playing the game die when trying to move forward due to the camera staying focused on a player AFK.
On a stage can’t remember the exact name, the plate moves down towards portals which bulls run out off, when that stage starts the camera is completely broken and usually everyone dies due to the camera not tracking the players.
5. Sometimes spells don’t register when u first enter the game and after a few mins it come right
6. Losing all your abilities when starting a new game….i know that this maybe how you guys envisioned the game…vut this sucks as you worked so hard for everything and then it resets each time you eventually get online to play
Just a few I’ve noticed which really stands out at the moment.
Should I find more I will let you guys know.
Answered your email a while back. Sorry for the delay, there has been a lot of messages to go through. 🙂
This game could have been great but someone was slacking off when making it. Don’t buy this game east of money. With that said here are issues that need fixing. Resetting skills, rearranging skills, level select, hats that actually give you stats, auto-lock enemies. If you fix these this would be a great game.
Not sure why you guys release a game in this state in the first place.
Bought the game on Switch, but I guess I better off wait for the update before even start playing.
Sorry about this, but sometimes issues aren’t noticed in testing. The build also passed console quality checks.
Please add level select! We walked past the statue for the ice character and into the next zone, and now our spawn is set to the next area and it won’t let us go back. Is there any way to still do the trial?
Unfortunately no chance to backtrack, but you can unlock the character during your next run.
I can forward your request about the level selection, but can’t make any promises about this. 🙂
On the switch, Why everytime I start a new game or host a new game I have to start all the way over from the beginning. Please fix this. I would rather start a lobby from where I left off instead of having to start all over everytime I start a game I’m losing all my level progress because of this. Also will you guys offer some type of better communication hub for this game on the Nintendo Switch? It sucks not being able to communicate with others at least.
Multiple saves lots are on their way, so in the future you can have multiple runs stored at the same time. At the moment you can only continue your current run by pressing “Resume Game” from the main menu.
I can forward the request about the communication, but unfortunately can’t make any promises about this. Let me know if you have any questions. 🙂
Hello, Frozenbyte. It’s me again.
I want to request a thing that should be added to 9P IMMEDIATLY. Choosing the resolution BEFORE the game launches. It has been in all Trine games and Shadwen as well. Why it can’t be in the 9P? I had purcharsed it yesterday and wanted to play it, but right after the loading screen, when music started to play it crashed. There was also many ERROR reports. First one was empty/not loaded, and the rest were very similar. As I understood, they were all suggesting, that the resolution is too big for my computer to handle. If you’d like to have a closer look, I can send you some screenshots.
(I bought Nine Parchments on Steam.)
Unfortunately it seems that there is an error when the game tries to automatically set your resolution. We’ll definitely look into this, but in the meanwhile you can set the resolution manually from the options.txt file. You can find it by copying the following to your Explorer: %appdata%/NineParchments
Open the file and look for the following lines. Set them to match your screen.
setOption(renderingModule, “ScreenWidth”, 1920)
setOption(renderingModule, “ScreenHeight”, 1080)
I think above should already help, but if not, you need to change the game to windowed. Look for these lines and set them to match the following
setOption(renderingModule, “Windowed”, true)
setOption(renderingModule, “WindowTitleBar”, false)
We haven’t managed to locate the cause for this. To help us resolve this issue, could you tell me your operating system, graphics card, are you using SLI, resolution of your screen, manufacturer of your screen and any other information that comes to your mind and could be helpful.
Hope this helped. Thanks for your report and sorry for the inconvenience! Let me know if you need any help. 🙂
It works! 😀 Thank you very much!
Great job from you Frozenbyte, thank you !
About friendly fire, I think it’s just the aimlocked who is a problem. (on Nintendo Switch).
When our beam is locked on an ennemy, ok it’s nice, but if a friend is walking near this beam, the beam switch and lock on friend… It’s sad when that happened !
Aimlocked is a good idea but not on a friend please, seems to be a PvP game but it is not !
There should be some changes to the soft-lock in the next patch. Sorry for the inconvenience, let us know if you have any questions! 🙂
I have found a way around losing your staves and hats and experience. Basically if you close the application without returning to title screen, everything will get wiped. So just return to title screen before shutting off the application and you will be able to resume from the beginning of the stage you left off.
Thank you for your report!
Could you tell me if you’re playing the game on Nintendo Switch or PC?
We are super sorry for the inconvenience!
I’m playing 9P on the Nintendo Switch
I’m really loving this game, but, since you’re open to ways to improve it, I’ll voice mine.
On the Switch, I’m having trouble joining in-progress games. When I look at the games list, and try to join one that’s well into the campaign, I never get past the “joining a game” thing, and then the game resets to the title screen.
There are times when enemies spawn into the world, but fall through the ground, and can’t be killed. This makes it impossible to finish a combat encounter and move on, resulting in needing to suicide to go back to the last checkpoint (This would be fatal in a hardcore playthrough). Sometimes flying enemies can get caught behind walls as well, with only a few AOE spells being able to damage them.
Sometimes the camera doesn’t pan fast enough, and characters are killed off screen when they shouldn’t have to be.
Would it be possible to have a level select? Playing through the entire campaign in hardcore mode just to die the level before getting to the level that unlocks the character you wanted feels really bad.
I really am loving this game a lot, and the joyful mayhem that four-player co-op brings. Keep up the good work, and I’ll gladly buy any DLC you release!
Thanks for the report! We’ll be looking into these. Also hopefully the upcoming updates will help with the online trouble, but if the issue continues please email us.
We also aren’t planning any other level select than the one mentioned in the post, but hopefully that will help. Also feel free to let us know if you have any feedback about it!
Hello Frozenbye a.k.a. 9 Parchments!
I want to tell you Personally that “This” type of game is 100% exactly what I’ve been looking for…(for Months). Wizards, magic, RPG, Leveling up, ONLINE Multi Co op, awesome music, Adventure… etc etc…
This is “Perfectly” the kind of game I always want.
Now, reading some of the players here “comments”…I to really have 1 issue (Since you guys are taking care of any other issue I can think of).
Like others have said. Joining/Hosting any type of games Online……. Its very….Inconsistent. I love playing online, especially with my friends or even with people I don’t know. But for me to Try to join a game…. 20+ seconds later failing…then trying…but failing over and over….. It’s a huge downer. And takes away the great replay ability and the Fun of playing Online which makes this game stand out so much (to me, and other people I’m sure).
I know you guys are more then likely working on it, but I didn’t see a response from y’all talking about this particular issue.
If you would please be so kind as to at least let me know about this issue?
I made so many new friends on 9 Parchments, it just Sucks how I can’t play with them any more when I see them online and have a game open for me to join, but can’t.
Thank you for your precious time and please keep up the great work! !
We’ll try to look into it, but if possible please help us out by telling your platform and your location (country/city). You can share this here or email us. If you mail us we can possibly give other workarounds as well.
Also thanks a lor for your support! Hopefully we can fix these so you’ll enjoy the wizarding even more. 😊
Thank you for the response.
My platform is the Nintendo Switch.
Country is the United States, my city is Westwego Louisiana.
Hello Frozenbyte team!
I recognize myself in your experience of this fabulous game. Every part of 9P is something I wanted to see in a game.
Most of time, I play with my girlfriend, joining her in her games, and we love the way we can play together on the same nintendo switch, with players all around the world.
We made more online friends than any other game, and like Kenny here above, we’re sad to see them online without having a way to play with them except by chance. We would like to communicate a little bit more with other player, to tell them, for example, that we’re going to quit the game, or that we need to make a two minute break, or that we have to reorganize our skill points.
We suggest to give the opportunity to pick a multiplayer game in a list instead of beeing projected in a random one. We were in a game we thought be an extreme, because it was a lot to hard for our level, and after some deadly tries, we had to give up and try to join another game. Choosing the game before joining it could be a good way to skip such a situation.
On nintendo switch, especially on Mario Kart, it is possible to launch a game in which each player has his own profile (or account). On 9P, when we play two on my girlfriend profile, I appear as an Elisa 2 instead of using my own profile (Hashinbrof), with the experience of my characters. Would it be possible to improve the game in a similar way, to give the opportunity to chose (or not) a different profile when a player join another one one the same game ?
I think there is some bug with golden characters: something like 100% of the players we meet online are displayed as golden characters, including players who seem to be even more beginner than us, judging by the way they play.
I want to apologize for my english, I’m not a fluent english speaker.
Finally, if I answered on this post rather than elsewhere, it is because the player with whom we preferred to play since we started nine parchments, which appears from now on among our friends on line, it is a Kenny, with whom we had the pleasure, and the chance to play twice since our debut.
The probability that it is the same as the one who wrote the previous comment is low, but we hope it can be him. As we have no way to get in touch with him through the means offered by the nintendo switch, we did not want to miss this opportunity to do so. Kenny, if you’re the one who played with two Elisonson, give us a sign!
I’m the one who jumps up and down (*like I”m cheering) !! YES YES! I Remember you!! ha haaa What are the odds that we’d meet here!
I only regret that I didn’t read Your Post sooner to see if it was you eh!! 😀
Thanks for the feedback. I can’t promise anything, and we’re still focusing on the fixes mentioned in this post, but we’ll look into these when possible.
Also seems like Kenny is trying to reach you, if one of you sends us a message that you’ll let us to send your email to the other person – we’d be really happy to do it. You can message here of email at Support[at]Frozenbyte[dot]com.
Hi !
Elisonson and I, we used to say that the Nine Parchments players are divided into two categories: those who jump, and those who do not. Of all the players in the first category we met, Kenny is definitely the best companion we’ve met!
We rejoice as soon as we see a player leap up and down, they bring so much more fun! Not to mention that good jumpers have a definite advantage when it comes to avoiding hordes of enemies, as well as their deadly spells, while trying to resurrect their fallen friends! You should see Kenny face death, twirling between the dreaded shots, bringing hope to those who thought everything was over!
We played together a lot since my last comment!
It would be an honor for us to communicate with him, so we have fun browsing the world of Nine parchments in his company, it is certainly with him that we spent the best moments in this great game! Of course we would like to exchange our email addresses! I jump like Rudolfus just at the idea!
I wanted to tell you that we have long looked on switch a multi coop game, and that the one who has the most seduced us is undoubtedly yours! Congratulations for what you did, Frozenbyte team! Once the few bugs that hinder our gaming experience will be fixed, the game will be almost perfect! We will have to hope that there are some areas in more time, to extend the life of the game.
Playing on the switch, I can’t resume any local multiplayer games. The wife and I simply can’t marathon the whole game in one shot, but she can’t rejoin.
Hope the save slot fix solves it, glad to hear you’re working on it.
On the same system you should be able to just hot join from another controller by pressing the minus button. Note that it might be the plus button if you’re using single joy-cons.
If you need more help, please email us!
Hi !
Elisonson and I, we used to say that the Nine Parchments players are divided into two categories: those who jump, and those who do not. Of all the players in the first category we met, Kenny is definitely the best companion we’ve met!
We rejoice as soon as we see a player leap up and down, they bring so much more fun! Not to mention that good jumpers have a definite advantage when it comes to avoiding hordes of enemies, as well as their deadly spells, while trying to resurrect their fallen friends! You should see Kenny face death, twirling between the dreaded shots, bringing hope to those who thought everything was over!
We played together a lot since my last comment!
It would be an honor for us to communicate with him, so we have fun browsing the world of Nine parchments in his company, it is certainly with him that we spent the best moments in this great game! Of course we would like to exchange our email addresses! I jump like Rudolfus just at the idea!
I wanted to tell you that we have long looked on switch a multi coop game, and that the one who has the most seduced us is undoubtedly yours! Congratulations for what you did, Frozenbyte team! Once the few bugs that hinder our gaming experience will be fixed, the game will be almost perfect! We will have to hope that there are some areas in more time, to extend the life of the game.
Oops, sorry, I said that at the wrong place !
Playing on the Switch and had a blast so far(haven´t tried out online yet, only local coop which works great).
Some general thoughts:
-Artwork is amazing
-The sound and music are amazing
-Overall feeling is very “trine”:ish(which ofc is amazing^^)
-Overall a very good job and I do not regret my day 1 purchase
What to improve(in my opinion):
-Multiple saves which you are addressing, gonna be great!
-Some sort of level select, maybe not go as far that you can select a level indivually but let us select what area to start with(i.e first level after a boss fight).
If you don’t want to go that far maybe we can skip first half of the game or so. If you implement something like this I still think you should be “punished” by not obtaining the spells after the bosses you have skipped. This way you still will have a carrot to play more levels since you will obtain more spells.
Of course you can´t skip levels during your first playthrough.
-Speaking of spells, having the rotating spell wheel(rotated with L/R) works great as long as you only have 4-5 spells. After that I think it is a bit of a hassle to select spells during a hectic combat since its so many to rotate around.
On switch(can´t speak for other platforms) we have the d-pad which in my opinion could be used for something else than sorting spells(which helps abit) and set mood. Maybe if you press for example up on D-pad you toggle between fire spells, Down for Ice, etc.. Or have them grouped as AoE-spells, Beam-spells, Projectiles, Heals?
Make a neat sorting menu instead under options or so, I dunno^^
The spell selector works good but I doesn´t feel perfect when you have many spells, especially in hectic combats(and its alot of them).
Anywho, loving the game and it feels like I´m gonna spend alot of time in this game!
//Greetings from your neighbour Sweden 🙂
Thanks for the feedback! No promises, but we’ll look into these. 😊
I have been playing a game on switch and it is great.
Unfortunately today i was playing online and there was connection problem and after that all my collectives and experience was gone.
Oh no! 😟 We’re really sorry about this and currently working on a fix. Please aslo email us about this to Support[at]Frozenbyte[dot]com and mention that you wrote to our blog!
Any plan to fixe the bug A in the hot pools levels when enemies fall inside a geyser ?
3 times’in a Row… boring ….
Thanks for the report! I don’t think there is specific plans for this, but I’m forwarding it ahead.
To help us, please tell what exactly happens to the enemies. Is it just that they walk to their death?
I had this issue aswell yesterday when playing(On Switch).
At the end of the level where there are 4(I think) platform bouncing on geysers. There is a quite large group spawning there, maybe 6? or so. When they charged me/moved towards me they(1 or 2 guys) fell down in the geyser IF the rock was flying above it.
It’s like there is a “hole” under the rocks that they can fall down in if the geyser is active.
Since I realised the issue I could position myself in a way so the pathfinding of the enemies wouldn´t cross a geyser.
The result is you can´t kill the enemies and ofc not progress down the path to the finish of the level.
This happened to me twice in a row(I had to kill myself to get to latest checkpoint).
If you are going for a hardcore run this is a huge deal imo and should be investigated since it can ruin a complete run.
I play on switch and my problem are on multi game.
For me i can’t join a party, sometime that’s work fine and sometime the error message is error of connection and i return on the start screen.
It’s a problem from you ?
Thanks for your help
I asked this from our QA department and they said that next patch might fix some online problems, hopefully it fixes this as well. Unfortunately I don’t have date for the patch yet.
Our QA recommended checking out which NAT type you have. You can find your NAT type from System Settings -> Internet -> Test Connection. It seems that the online games work best if you have type A or B, especially if you’re the host. It sounds like someone’s NAT time could be C or D and that might be causing this issue. Both your NAT type and the NAT type any player you are attempting to connect with can affect the connection process. If you are having trouble connecting to a specific player, it is possible the issue may be caused by that player’s NAT type.
You can find more info about NAT types and possible issues from the following links
Let me know if you have any questions.
At the moment the game also does not show latency/ping, but we are going to add this in setting the future as it’s not currently possible to tell how good the connection is.
Thanks for your answer,
I tested my connection on the switch.
My nat IS B type.
My speed connectio IS 9mbps ans i Can send at 700kbps.
So, i think i have no problem at home.
I try new test for party multi but the problem is the same, 🙁 i can’t join the party and i return on the Home screen every time.
It’s sad, it Was à good game.
Next patch will include some changes to the multiplayer. Unfortunately I’m not entirely sure if it fixes this issue (hard to see before the release), but let’s hope it does. Sorry for the inconvenience! 🙂
Any info when the switch is going to get multiple saves? It makes an otherwise fun game unplayable for me and my friends right now.
Keep up the good work though
Unfortunately no shedule yet but we’ll try to bring it out as soon as we can. Stay tuned for updates!
O.K. I now have another complaint.
For the last 35 minutes, I’ve been trying to join games, and Failing. I try to join different variations of games, and It fails.
When I DO eventually join a game… I’m dead instantly. (which is fine), so I’m in a Resurrection Circle. People revive me, but “Poof”… I’m gone. It’s like my character is There but it’s not there. I’m unable to move or do anything. (except leave again).
I’ve caused players to Die because they try to revive me but when they successfully Do, I’m just not there.
This has happen at least 77% of the time.
I love this game, but My last few Days of the Same experience is proving to Me that I made a mistake in getting this game.
What in the world is going on here?
**seems I can only properly join a game if that person is in the “Lobby”. >:-\
We’ll try to submit a fix that should help to joining mid-games in next couple of days, it will still need to be approved by Nintendo but something is coming. However I have to also say that we haven’t heard about this kind of issue before, so also thanks for reporting it. I’m forwarding this to our QA.
Sorry for the inconvenience, but we’re onto it!
Hi !
I’m playing on PS4 and apart from the usuals requests from other players, the problem I have is the “opt in opt out” just by touching the touchpad. I have big thumbs and it often “caress” the touchpad just enough to make my character quit (in coop) and then I touch it again to find myself back but dead. If it was by only pressing the touchpad, the problem would’nt exist.
Thank you !
Yeah, we actually figured out that it’s not the best use of that button (too late for the release unfortunately). This has been changed internally and change will be included in the next patch. Sorry for the inconvenience! 🙂
Any news about update on switch ? For the moment i put the game on standby because i can’t play like that.
Unfortunately we still don’t know, the fixes caused some more bugs which we’re trying to solve. Sorry for the inconvenience, but it’s on the way!
I second this man.
PLEASE update the switch ASAP. This games incredible and my hats off to you guys but its completely unplayable due to not being able to save. I would like to play this with my girlfriend and friends for the holidays but instead its in standby..
I want to buy the game, are the big bugs already fixed?
Unfortunately not yet, but some updates coming soon.
@ Elisonson,
I don’t know if you ever Will come back to this website…but..
I’ve been trying to Join your game for the last 25 Minutes. But I Can’t. I keep getting the “Joining a Game….” Pop Up. But I Can’t.
It would seem the best TIME to join you (or any game) is when a person is Fighting a “BOSS” or they are in the “LOBBY.”
For me there is a 94% Success rate in me joining during these times Only.
This is a shame, can’t even play with y’all.
If you give us a permission to send your email to Elisonson, we can do that if it would help! 😊
Also sorry to hear that you’re having trouble. We haven’t managed to reproduce this at our office but will still try to look into it. If you’d like to help us please email us at Support[at]Frozenbyte[dot]com.
Is Elisonson a part of your community? Well regardless, that’s perfectly fine…
I also realized that you guys have a FORUM and I could of voiced my complaints/concerns there instead of “here”. Sorry about that.
I’ll e mail you guys! All I want to do is help support and enjoy this game. Wouldn’t mind paying a little more for a better experience.
Hi Kenny !
I’m not the real one Elisonson, but only Hashinbrof, who play most of time as “Elisonson 2” with you. I answered above at your first one comment, before seeing you wrote here.
You finally managed to join us, and it was with great pleasure that we played together … However, there was this bug that prevented us from moving forward, as if we had not killed all enemies. It is a little after the bridge over the lava, the one above which swing two axes. It starts with an enemy who can not reach us, we spot it at its zone of immunity that protrudes from the walls. After killing the other monsters, we kill that one as we can through the walls, but although there are no more enemies, the fight does not end. Even by repeating several times, we can not overcome this area … not so far away from the end of the game!
After several attempts, we ended up giving up.
Can you tell us where is that forum?
Heyy!! Well it’s good to talk to you! I was hoping you’d come back!
Lol, I remember the time I joined you guys for that 1 time. We all jumped up and down cause we were so excited! I was laughing so hard and I was so happy that I was able to join y’all that 1 time. (that was about 6 days ago?? Man, and we got So far! We would of beaten the game to!
It’s rare to have/find people who know what they are doing on this game because you guys are awesome!
*sighs* Yeah , the last time I played with you guys…that glitch got us……. and when we had to kill ourselves (which we shouldn’t have to do), I got kicked out your game and I just couldn’t join y’all anymore. I was rally sad! lol
Reading what Frozenbyte has sent to Nintendo with the “Patch” I hope/pray that “Our” Issues will be taken care of.
**I thought Frozenbyte had a forum, but it would seem it’s not on This website. I don’t want to post another website , just in case.
We gotta continue to play together ! ^_^
Hey my friend !
You should read what I said above, I think you didn’t notice it :
“Hi !
Elisonson and I, we used to say that the Nine Parchments players are divided into two categories: those who jump, and those who do not. Of all the players in the first category we met, Kenny is definitely the best companion we’ve met!
We rejoice as soon as we see a player leap up and down, they bring so much more fun! Not to mention that good jumpers have a definite advantage when it comes to avoiding hordes of enemies, as well as their deadly spells, while trying to resurrect their fallen friends! You should see Kenny face death, twirling between the dreaded shots, bringing hope to those who thought everything was over!
We played together a lot since my last comment!
It would be an honor for us to communicate with him, so we have fun browsing the world of Nine parchments in his company, it is certainly with him that we spent the best moments in this great game! Of course we would like to exchange our email addresses! I jump like Rudolfus just at the idea!
I wanted to tell you that we have long looked on switch a multi coop game, and that the one who has the most seduced us is undoubtedly yours! Congratulations for what you did, Frozenbyte team! Once the few bugs that hinder our gaming experience will be fixed, the game will be almost perfect! We will have to hope that there are some areas in more time, to extend the life of the game.”
I see ya Elisonson! Still can’t join ya. Been trying again…ever since I saw you in the boss fight, “Suddenly an Arena”.
I just..can’t do it! Been trying since!
here, is my e mail..
[email protected]
Hopefully we can schedule a gaming session on a better Time………. Lol this crap is ridiculous… I can’t even.
Sorry for the trouble this has caused you. I also answered your email a while back with more info.
Does the Switch have multi save yet?
They will be added in the next patch which has been submitted to Nintendo. It will be released as soon as it goes through. Unfortunately no more info about the release at this point. Sorry for the wait! 🙂
There is a major glitch in the game when sometimes even after you have defeated all the enemies in an area, the camera will not move with you to the next area. This means if you try to progress through the level you will die because you went off screen. It happened to me in the area with the geysers, as well as the Thunderous Mountains in the area shortly after you pass the swinging axes. I made it through the game with almost no problems and was really enjoying it, however now I am stuck at the second to final level with what seems like no means to continue the game. Very disappointing. I am playing the game on Nintendo Switch.
These issues should be fixed in the next patch. Current workaround is either drop out players on tune down the difficulty before the fight starts. You can change these back after the fight. Sorry for the inconvenience!
I don´t know if its a bug or something i can´t find. I´m playing the game in Switch, multiplayer local with one control (+ and -).
In that mode we can´t organize the spells as the 4 buttons only works to chose movement direction.
We can´t change our items, sometimes there is an option in the menu to change them, but other times it disappear o.O
We can´t change the characters or the new skins we unlock unless we start all over again.
If anyone can enlighten me about these I´d appreciate.
Unfortunately we had to make some compromises with the single Joy Con as it only has part of the buttons. So organizing spells with a single Joy-Con is not possible. We are discussing about the possibility of putting this option to the pause menu. 🙂
Disappearing items menu sounds weird. Player one should be able to open the pause menu and navigate to the equipment menu from there. Do you mean that sometimes when you open the menu it’s missing some options?
Changing characters id not possible mid-run, you can only change characters when you choose a new game.
Let me know if you have other questions!
Thanks for answering!
Yes, I mean that sometimes the “change equipment” option literally is missing, but not only when we go to menu one single time, if it doesn’t appear I wont appear at all even restarting the game. And other day it appears, is there with no explanation ;/
And about the character change I didn´t explain myself. In multiplayer online when we play, we cant select our character so we both have the same, the one character that player one has… unless we start a new local multiplayer game, select different character, go back and try again to see if it works…. it works 70% of time.
I hope this feedback helps you. We love the game, its very fun and when this minor details are patched it will be even better!!!
Wow, got 3 characters to level 40, unlocked a bunch of staves and hats for it to all be erased along with my unlocked characters. Thanks for the waste of time and money.
We’re really sorry about this! 😟
If you’d like, please email us at Support[at]Frozenbyte[dot]com and we’ll see if we can send you something. Please also mention that you wrote us here, on your blog.
I would like to know if you’re working in a PS4 patch to solve the mentioned problems and when is expected to be release.
As a Ps4 player, is really disappointing to heard only news about the patch for steam and switch.
Other than that the game is awesome! Thanks!
We’re working on it. Unfortunately it seems like there is still some problems with the PS4 build, but it’s on the way!
I´m playing the game in Switch,but the ver. 1.0.1, no new update?
The game was updated at the end of last week. However we unfortunately managed to forget to update the version number in-game, so it can only be checking from the software info. Sorry for the inconvenience!
So, we got our four kids got a switch for Christmas. After playing a bunch of multiplayer game demos, they decided to pool their allowance and buy 9 parchments.
They’ve been playing it for weeks and having a blast. They’re all pretty young and can’t get too far, but they loved the idea of unlocking new characters and hats and stuff. So last week I played for several hours until I unlocked Marvel and Carabel, plus Blue Cornelius and lots of hats and staffs. They were stoked. They’re been playing for a few days and tonight after they’d played for a while, they handed it off to me so I could show them the first boss. I started a new game, and the new characters are gone. All the staffs and hats are gone and the two starting characters are back to lvl 1.
Plus all the multiple save slots we’d created by unlocking the new characters and playing them are gone.
This game is a ton of fun. The multiplayer is awesome.
But nothing knocks the wind out of it like working so hard to unlock stuff only to have it disappear. It absolutely kills any replay value because where’s the guarantee that it won’t happen again?
Unfortunately we currently can’t promise it won’t happen again. 🙁 We added few fixes for the issue in the latest patch which makes the issue more unlikely, but seems like this it’s still happening to some players. Sorry for the inconvenience!
We’ll continue to look into this and hopefully can soon say that it won’t happen.
If you have any questions or more feedback please email to us at Support[at]Frozenbyte[dot]com.
Hi Team,
Firstly, love the game, already smashed out around 70 hours into this since i got it a bit over a week ago. With this large amount of binge playing i just wanted to report a few bugs I’ve come across.
System: Nintendo Switch
Bug001: Damage Calculator
>The damage calculator does not take into account melee damage, this includes abilities like Nim’s steam aura. I will often end levels with Nim where apparently I’ve done less than 1000 damage, when i would have done more like 35,000+ damage. Or for another example, you could spec Cornelius/Marvek to be full Melee where they will get individual critical hits of over 300 damage multiple times a level, but then your end damage performed is like “316”.
Bug002: Healing Calculator
>The healing calculator only captures direct healing spells, I use the “Melee-Healing” staff to “hit” friendly targets to heal them, these numbers are not counted in the healing. In addition, “Vampire” effects (i.e. 10% of damage done heals you, or say for example the cat 15% of shadow damage heals you), this is not counted towards the healing count which makes modifying and working on your talent tree difficult because not all heals register as healing performed on the counter.
Bug003: Multiplayer Game Join
>If you join a multiplayer game and the current team is already in combat you get stuck in a “unable to resurrect” bug where your corpse will join the game, but even if all the alive players res you, you remain dead until the end of the level. The only way around this at the moment is to get the group to wipe (all commit suicide), or wait for the group to finish the level.
Bug004: Flame Rock
>This is a minor one, of the hundreds of times i’ve thrown the flame rock, about 3-4 times when my mana regenerates for this spell, it simply won’t allow me to cast it anymore. Only way around this is to finish the level without it, or die. But as i said, it’s only happened a handful of times out of hundreds of uses, very minor issue.
So that’s what i can remember off the top of my head. But yes, amazingly fun game, would pay for DLC if it meant more levels you can play with the characters you’ve unlocked. Keep up the good work 🙂
(Note: The context for this message is in the hardcore mode)
This game is great! I literally only play the healer class to push along players online and I love the secret move of doing and receiving a lot of “happy jumps” from the online community.
1. Party wipe when new player spawns out of field
There’s obviously the occasional bug when people join in the middle of the game, where they end up spawning and dragging the camera way out of view —- which leads to a full wipe of the party. Most people know this is a bug, so they kindly leave and rejoin before the timer kills the whole group. Sometimes we exit the game just before the wipe to take advantage of the auto-save. So your feature is great, but of course, the bug fix would make it less aggravating for others.
2. Gilded characters
In hardcore, I play the Exchange Student (healer) which of course is far superior of a choice. My character is at the max level of 60. — Here is the thing. I don’t think people understand that once you unlock the Gilded character, then the level cap is unlocked. — I see a lot of people rolling around using the Gilded character in hardcore. There are a couple big reasons. (1) They want other party members to know they are at least “certified” to play. (2) They don’t know that you don’t need to roll a Gilded character. —- What I would like, really really small thing, is an icon that let’s you know if you are MAX level (currently 60) to other players. It covers the two points well and discretely. — But for those of us that are playing for the 500+ hours level, it would be appreciated to show off a badge of some kind. There is no need to show the actual level, I get why, and I like it that way too.
3. End game of end game.
Other than a request for a DLC, would you consider a really EPIC hardcore mode? I mean like, “I don’t want to play the game anymore because it is so hard” kind of hardcore? While you are at it, you could level block it to 60+ only, and maybe do us a big solid and raise the level cap max to 80? (Most of us at this level know what we want to do with the spec tree to make it really crazy!)
PS4 player here. I bought this specifically for my daughters to play over the Christmas break. After a few false starts and lost saves/items, we tried again this week hoping for a fix and made huge progress with unlocks and levels only to lose them again last night. Huge disappointment. Don’t need any other games or products on PC, just need the game fixed. Help!
Sorry for the delay!
It is very unfortunate what has happened in the game. There are some issues with the save files for Nine Parchments at the moment, and we are currently developing a patch that might fix the problem.
Please note that before the patch has been released, if the game crashes during play we recommend you to go back to the game with the resume game option, so not through other menus. With this you might be able to prevent the loss of progress.
If you have any questions or more feedback please email to us at Support[at]Frozenbyte[dot]com.
I was playing 9P on the Switch last night and joined a public online game (easy mode). After playing for a while my character died and the game booted to the Main Menu screen. When I went back to the Resume Game option I could only see the online game. All my other saves are gone. My characters are now level 1. My unlocked characters which I haven’t started playing with yet are no longer selectable. All staves and hats are also gone.
This bug makes the game unplayable. I don’t know when this will occur again. And it makes me afraid to invest any more time into it until its fixed. Will it ever be fixed? Because the last patch should’ve fixed it already.
I’m very sorry to hear about the loss of your progress, and hope we can sort it out as soon as possible. I noticed that you also sent us an email so I’ll reply there regarding the issue and it’s solution, it’s more effective and fast that way.
Hi, played this game for 70+ hours and i lost my savefile because of the bug in the game. I play on my nintendo switch. I have mailed support and i got a respond back….all the say is that can not do anything for me. I just need to deal with it. That is just sad and rude!!!!! I can not play again starting all over!! Why should i play a game that is broken….why should i invest more time in it…there is a change that it this will happen again!! Just fix the game or get if off the market!
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