I’m happy to tell you that the patch for the Nintendo Switch version of Nine Parchments has now been submitted and it will be released as soon as it goes through. Steam patch will be out after we get some small issues fixed. π
Multiple saves are now added
After the patch you can have up to ten games stored at the same time. So there is no need to overwrite your current run if you want to play with your friends for a while.
Other fixes
β’ Online game can be started alone, no need to wait for others to join in the lobby
β’ A lot of bug fixes to different kinds of issues of camera not moving and enemies not spawning or dying correctly
β’ Changes to the online matchmaking logic
β’ Fix to the βThe Hero of Trineβ Amadeus not unlocking if Amadeus dead when the boss is defeated
β’ Other minor fixes
These are the fixes included in the first patch. We are working hard with the next patch already, for example the option to kick people from online games on its way. Remember to stay tuned for updates.

Hopefully this doesn’t happen to the patch! We’ll be careful.
If you’re having issues with the game or would like to report a bug, fastest way to reach us is via email.
47 comments on “Patch for Nintendo Switch is now submitted!”
Just my friends comment…can add warrior type characters into the game? Just magic is not enough(he said)…
But… The whole game is about magic. The backstory… ALL the spells/attacks…
When do we expect the patch. Not being able to get past thunderous mountain is really getting aggravating. Me and my buddies are putting in hard work to beat on all difficulties but it always stops allowing continuation after all enemies are beaten. Always happens at same spot where there is the button and track. If this is not a glitch and we are missing something please let me know i just want to play the game.
Patch will be released as soon as it goes through, but unfortunately I don’t know how long it will take.
Unfortunately in the meanwhile only workaround is either drop out players or tone down the difficulty before triggering the fight that causes these issues. Certain amount of players on certain difficulty can cause spawn issues with the fights, like spawning the enemies inside the wall. You can add the players back and change the difficulty again after the fight.
Sorry for this inconvenience. Please let me know if you have any questions.
Fantastic Game on Switch and good support! I’m waiting for this patch because i need those multiple saves. Thanks a lot for this game and the focus on coop. That is what i often missing on games from Nintendo…
Merry Christmas to you @ Frozenbyte!
Does this patch do anything about the crashes and game data resets? I seriously think this is the most fun I’ve had in a long time, but I’ve lost all my characters gear and levels twice now.
There has been some fixes to the save data issue, but unfortunately I can’t promise a complete fix as we have never been able to reproduce this here at the office. Have you noticed any pattern to the game crashing?
We are very sorry for the trouble this has caused you!
Not at all. It’s crashed in a few different stages. I really don’t mind the crashing but having to unlock the characters all over again is getting annoying. This last crash that wiped the data was during a 4 player local co-op after a couple of wipes on the Chimera fight. I will try to keep track of anything else that happens and let you know.
Could you email us if you haven’t done that already, you can reach us from support[at]frozenbyte[dot]com. Unfortunately our emails seem to get lost on the way if we are the party starting the email conversation. Sorry for this extra trouble! π
Just happened to me yesterday in the exact same circumstances: 4 player local co-op after a couple of wipes on the Chimera fight.
Sorry to hear about this! I emailed you a while back (if you can find the email, check your junk mail folder).
Same happened to us on PS4. 4 player local co-op, couple of wipes on the Chimera fight and game crashed. Save file lost. PSN backup save was 2 days old, so we all lost 15 levels π 28 -> 13). Hopefully there will be patch for ps4 as well, since I don’t really want to play again until these issues are fixed.
Try shutting off the application without exiting to the main menu, that should reset your game. Unless of course the patch is fixed, which I’m unwilling to try, I’ll just keep exiting to menu before closing the application.
This is for the Nintendo Switch.
That’s a little hard to do when the game crashes, which is the only time I’ve seen it happen.
I’ve cleared the game a few times, haven’t had a crash yet. Not sure what is happening, probably hardware side? I’ve only lost my saves when I force quit the game when I forgot to return to main menu.
Also love the game but have stopped playing due to all the issues and waiting for the patch. In the meantime, can you tell me if thereβs any benefits to buying on a second switch for local wireless co-op. Is the screen still locked to the same area on the second switch?
It’s still locked. Free camera would probably be too hazardous with the friendly fire.
Hopefully the patch goes through soon so some of the issues get fixed. We are also already working hard on the next patch. π
So trying to unlock the cleaner could only get 6/7 graffiti, because one was bugged tried everything to get it but it wouldn’t clean up, and with no way to restart a level or pick a level you’ve done already? God it was amazingly frustrating, please tell me there is a patch in the works for that
Thanks for the report! There has been a lot of fixes to Nim’s unlock quest, so hopefully it gets fixed after the first patch. Sorry for the trouble this is causing you!
No Patch until now… π
I am saddened by this also. Me and my friend want to play this game,but the bug screwed us up. We just want to play this game.
Any news about patch on switch please ? What is the problem ? On Steam IS not like that..
Steam patches don’t need to be approved unlike the console patches. Patch has been submitted. Unfortunately we don’t have more info at this point, but it will be released as soon as it goes through. Sorry for the wait! π
Still waiting on that Switch patch. Bought on day 1, stopped playing on day 2 when I realized your online / multiplayer matchmaking and game lobby system was and is hot garbage. Do you want to refund me directly or do I need to go through Nintendo? You are the ones who haven’t delivered what was promised or advertised, but I understand that the transaction wen through Nintendo e-shop.
Sorry to hear that you haven’t been able to enjoy our game. Unfortunately we don’t have tools to refund purchases made through the Nintendo eShop, so I can only recommend contacting their support. Sorry again for the trouble, but please let me know if you have any questions.
Good job on this one guys. So happy you’re addressing the issues presented. Watched some crazy gameplay of this earlier today and bought it on the spot. Just waiting for this patch before i really get into it. I dont want to be replaying the starting level over and over when i switch between offline at work and online at home. Keep the updates coming guys.
Unlocking Nim’s 3rd costume appears to be broken. I’ve gathered many hats in hardcore mode, but he won’t unlock. I’m surprised at how many Amadeus’s there are b/c grinding 2hrs to make a single attempt at his unlock is incredibly frustrating. If multiplayer worked, this would be somewhat easier.
Unfortunately there is a bug with the achievement. The fix has been included in the first patch. Sorry for the inconvenience!
Great game on switch,
Any plan to add Chinese(traditional)?
Unfortunately we don’t have plans for this at the moment. Thanks for your interest! π
Hi!, I’d like to know if you can play online between different consoles, e.g. PC and Switch, thanks in advance!
Unfortunately no cross play between platforms. We might look into this in the future though. Thanks for your interest! π
An Update.
Ever since I had my Original Data for Nine Parchments on the Nintendo Switch Randomly *Deleted*…
I’ve been playing it still.
I happen to have a few more stuff now then I did the 1st play through.
I’m still enjoying this game……….
Still have the same problems though…
I can’t join “any game” from the (Choose a Game) Unless they are in the LOBBY or fighting a boss (if your lucky)…
That Glitch on the Thunderous Mountain is still there. Best thing to do is put the game on “EASY” on that Stage..just to quickly get through it…then put it back on what ever difficulty you had it on before.
This can’t/won’t work for Hardcore though. >____>;
Unfortunately the patch hasn’t been released yet. Patch includes fixes to the Thunderous Mountains level and to the online matchmaking logic. So hopefully these issues you’re having will get fixed when the patch is released, we are more than happy to receive any feedback you can give after the release. Sorry for the wait! π
It’s really annoying that the patch isn’t trough yet. I don’t know what Nintendo is doing but we need the patch right now. Do you have the possibility to ask at Nintendo what’s going on with the patch check?
The patch needs to be approved by Nintendo first. Sorry for the trouble, but hopefully we can get it out soon!
This is really a good game. I’ve played it for 100+ hrs. (single&online)
Glad to hear that patches are on the schedule. So I have only one suggestion to say:
That SHEEP quest about unlocking glided Gislan is EXTREMELY HARD (nearly impossible) for lot’s of people.
Reasons: 1.Random online match and lag. (dumb allies)
2.Hardcore difficulty. (Can’t choose stages. If you fail, you waste 2~3 hours or more EVERYTIME)
3.Spring rock up/down can instantly kill anything underneath it. (Can’t control that sheep in battles.)
Downgrading this quest to hard mode or doubling that sheep’s maximum HP will be highly thankful.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8gd-Bu-IV9w (Even with careful allies, that sheep was almost dead for three times.)
One last thing, “9 parchments 2” or new stuffs in the future please.
Thanks for the feedback, and your support!
The change that you can select the level you left off should help, and yeah it might be best to do that quest alone. We’ll also try to look into it. If you have any questions feel free to email us at Support[at]Frozenbyte[dot]com.
So, I’m on hardcore mode, and I’m on the level called, “Keep your Guard up”.
The 2nd (or 3rd) wave of monsters that we have to battle….. well. ….
The 1st time they spawned and we killed them and everything was all right. We were (me in 1 other person) were trying to move on…but the screen didn’t move after we killed all the monsters.
I was assuming that there were some monsters that Didn’t spawn.
So I left the game and then I restarted this particular area of the battle over. But NO Monsters Spawn…and we can’t move on at all. There is an Invisible wall indicating that we can’t move on until the monsters are defeated.
Can’t defeat monsters if they don’t Re-spawn.
Can’t Lower the Level Difficulty because it’s, “HARD CORE”. I’m not about to lose all my level progression on Hard Core like that. That makes no Sense.
What am I suppose to do?
Sorry for the delay!
This has been forwarded to our QA and they will check if we get to reproduce it. Otherwise we can’t really try to fix it. To help with this, it would be nice if you can get a picture of the place this happened at, but this is not necessary.
Besides changing the difficulty note that playing that battle with one player and then having your friends join might also help.
Sorry for the inconvenience, but hopefully we can solve this. Cheers!
Hello guys. When is this update coming? Its been 4 weeks.
Most likely and hopefully tomorrow. Submitting to consoles always takes time and before that we had some developers on holiday. Sorry for the wait, but it’s definitely coming!
Error Code: 2306-0811
“Server is currently undergoing maintenance.
We apologize for any inconvenience.
Please try again later. ”
OH, is this our Patch?
No, that was Nintendo’s own maintenance but the patch should also be out. π
Well all right…
The Patch has been released….
I was able to join any game I wanted to.
THERE IS Still a glitch/error when I Join a game…I’m in a “Resurrection circle”..and when somebody revives me… I’m “not there.”
There for I have to leave and join another game….
The only way for me to actually PLAY a game that I joined (but then I’m just not there) is either Everybody Dies and starts the level/battle over, Or the game creator makes the room Again, there for making me a part of the team.
Loving the Save Files, that’s a major plus.
And that Thunderous Mountain glitch is now Gone…so I’m very pleased about that.
Hope you guys add more content and/or make it so the same monsters don’t appear in the same spot every time………. Mix it up …(if y’all could do that).
We’d appreciate seeing pictures or a video of the resurection problem. Or did you happen to send one already?
Anyway I’ll also forward your report to QA and we’ll try to look into it. To help and keep you updated about what’s happening, I recommend you to email to us at Support[at]Frozenbyte[dot]com. Please also mention that you wrote to our blog so we know it’s you.
We’re also happy to hear that you’re otherwise please with the update. Cheers! π
I promise to let you know, and I’ll e mail a picture next time!
Cheers* !
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