February came and went, how is it possible that it has only 2 or 3 days less than other months, but still it feels like a week shorter! Or maybe once again we have had so much stuff going on here at the office that time just flew out of the window. There hasn’t been anything as major going on in February as we didn’t have any big announcements this month, but still a lot happened here as summarised below. 🙂

Who wouldn’t want to start with food? The hearts are bread buns!
You know the saying “an army marches on its stomach”, this is also true when it comes to us game developers. Food is an important part of our day due to our awesome catering team. This month they got us a new serving tables (with heating and cooling), and it’s super awesome! And as it helps them in their daily job it means that they have more possibilities to spoil us. This month we had a valentines day brunch! You can see pictures above, for example a ready made plate with pancakes and karelian pie on the right. Just thinking about it makes me drool!
Speaking of Valentine’s day, two of our artists got creative combining Has-Been Heroes and Valentine’s day. We ended using a heart skeleton in our Valentine’s day celebration picture, check it out from here. Below are also two other cards that were made. Which one is your favorite?

Click on the cards for a bigger view!
We also faced some obstacles as our air-conditioning took its last breath and it took a while to get it running again. The Support team didn’t mind this at all as we’re normally covered in blankets. But other teams had some difficulties with the heat, we have a lot of people and computers, this is why it get a bit warm in the afternoon. Luckily (or unfortunately for some) this got fixed after a few days. Now there is fresh air for everybody again.
What’s new with the game development then? Well, all of our projects are coming up great. Has-Been Heroes release is in about 4 weeks and Nine Parchments will be released later this year. Our artists and marketing team have done a bunch of promotional material for both games, we can’t wait to show them to you. Level designers and programmers are constantly busy with the bug reports that our QA team comes up with.
And here is also a friendly reminder: If you ever have any issues with our games or just questions about them, don’t hesitate to contact us for help! Also if you need help with the editor, take a look of our public wiki. If you can’t find the answer there, please send us an email or you can contact us via our social media channels.

Here are some decorations from our brunch! Did you arrange anything fancy on the Valentine’s day? 🙂
3 comments on “Monthly Report: Love and Work”
Thanks for the update…
…but I am still waiting to hear something from Nine Parchments.
Our Marketing team is currently focusing on Has-Been Heroes, but I’m sure there will be updates soonish, at least after the launch.
Thanks for your interest and cheers! 🙂
Great to hear that you are staying productive, and are enjoying the change of months!
I’m still eagerly awaiting any news of a Trine 3 expansion, or even a full fledged Trine 4!
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