Frozenbyte Christmas Calendar, Day 11!

Have you already tried out our editor? The Frozenbyte Editor comes included in the Steam versions of Trine Enchanted Edition, Trine 2, Trine 3: The Artifacts of Power and Shadwen (but it’s only available on Windows). Here are some images to encourage you to take a closer look at it!


This image is from the Trine 3: The Artifacts of power editor. The editors function largely the same way, but the older versions might not have all the options or tools that the newer ones have. In this picture you can see the editor UI. It might look a bit difficult, but luckily you can find help from our Frozenbyte Wiki to help you to get started.


Stop the presses, our cameras detected Amadeus on the beach! There are two different camera areas in this picture along with the purple lines markin collision. Camera areas are used to determine when and where the camera moves. And collision is naturally there as a wall so Amadeus won’t fall through the rocks!


And here is a picture from Shadwen! Shadwen’s editor comes with playable tutorial levels covering the basics of using the Editor. This picture shows some AI patrol patterns from Shadwen. I bet the game would be easier if these patrol routes were shown in-game! Some of us might actually need this kind of assistance.

Today you have a chance to win Shadwen for Steam, editor is included for Windows.

Well, who is ready to launch the editor at home? We’ll always be happy to help if you run into any issues. 🙂

I’m sure that you all are quite familiar with the rules already, but in case there is someone new on board, check the Frozenbyte Christmas Calendar instructions.