Frozenbyte Christmas Calendar, Day 22!

It’s almost Christmas already. Today we will take a closer look at what some of the Frozenbyte employees are going to do during the holidays. I asked some questions from a QA-person, a level designer, an artist, an IT-person and a coder. One of the sentences that we have used a lot in support lately has been that “our coders are super busy at the moment”, you can clearly see that from the answers. ๐Ÿ˜‰

What will you do during the holidays? Will you play a lot of video games or will you take a break from them as well?

QA: During Christmas Eve I’ll be visiting my own as well as my boyfriend’s family, go visit some graves and enjoy a moment of peace in sauna. By the end of the day I’ll be stuffed. Most of my holiday will most likely be spent sleeping and playing video games. It’s the best way to relax.

LD: I will be having a somewhat different Christmas as I will be visiting Japan! It’ll be just a short trip so I’ll make sure to plan ahead so I can scour through as many video game themed shops as I possibly can!

Art: I usually spend my Christmas with family and relatives. We eat a lot, watch movies and play board games, while listening to silly Christmas music. As I haven’t had a lot of free time lately, I will also probably spend a few too many hours playing Fallout…

IT: Nothing special, probably visiting family and eating some Christmas ham. Mostly itโ€™ll be just like any other day. Hopefully not going to play video games, Iโ€™ll try my best to spend as much time with my family as possible.

Code: Sleep. Maybe a little.

splotdecorations entrancesnowflakes

Some images from our front door. Notice that the #Hypevan is still intact!

What is the one thing that you absolutely can’t live without during Christmas?

QA: My family. And Christmas ham, that ham is pure heaven.

LD: I’d hate to spend my Christmas alone so friends and family would qualify best. Though I wouldn’t mind some social gaming on the side ๐Ÿ˜‰

Art: Joulutortut (a kind of Christmas pastry)! Although we do start eating them at the beginning of December and continue strong till next year. Can’t have enough. It was the one thing during Christmas I really missed while living abroad!

IT: A ham, family and sauna. All I need.

Code: My onesie.


Penguins, an important part of Christmas. And no, we don’t have penguins in Finland. Or polar bears for that matter.

Best Christmas memory? Extra points available for game related memories!

QA: Hmm I can’t choose between our late lab scaring the living daylights out of Santa (other visitors were always welcome but for some reason Santa was not) or the Christmas we got our Playstation. Or the one when we got our first Gameboy color with Pokemon…

LD: Getting a Wii with The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess on the side! I knew a month in advance what I was getting, so the wait felt incredibly long for a big Zelda fan like me but it was sooo worth it, at least according to the sheer length of my first play session ๐Ÿ˜€

Art: The first thing that comes to mind would be the time we flew to Disneyland. As a kid that place was super cool! Not exactly game related, but I did get to shoot some aliens! ๐Ÿ˜€

IT: Hmm, this is a hard one. I canโ€™t recall any special Christmas memories, as my Christmas follows pretty much the same pattern every year.

Code: When we got our first PC.

christmascandle splots

Splot figured that the xmas tree had too many ornaments and decided to hung one on itself.

If you had to buy a gift for Splot, what would you get?

QA: A cool hat maybe. Or aspirin. The poor thing spins a lot and must get bad headaches.

LD: A very own death star with a Splot paintjob on it to conquer the universe!

Art: Some joulutortut and a cool board game. That would make me happy at least :>

IT: I have yet to try Splot, so Iโ€™m not sure what it’s about.

Code: Chicken BBQ sauce.

Oh my, I have never seen Splot spin so fast as now when Splot rushed to lecture the new IT-person. Poor IT-person, I wonder if we see him again today.

Let’s talk about games! Today you have a chance to win Shadwen for Steam. Just leave a comment below and you might win a key. You can also participate on other channels, see instructions.

What kind of plans do you have for Christmas?