Great news for PlayStation fans! 🙂
We’ve received many questions asking if we plan to bring Trine 3: The Artifacts of Power for PlayStation 4 – and we’re stoked to finally be able to confirm this!
Yes, Trine 3 will arrive for PlayStation 4 – and quite soon in fact! While the exact date is not set yet, we’re hoping for a December launch and hope to be able to get the game on PlayStation Store in the for Christmas. Stay tuned and follow our social media channels to get the news of the launch date as soon as we know it ourselves!

- A beautiful 3D fantasy world with 7 story-driven Chapters and 11 puzzle-solving, skill-focused Lost Pages
- Three playable characters, Pontius the Knight, Zoya the Thief and Amadeus the Wizard, each with their own skills and unique abilities
- Share a couch! Local co-op multiplayer support for up to three players
- Full HD 1080p with 60 FPS
- Support for Stereoscopic 3D (720p)
- Mesmerizing soundtrack by award-winning composer Ari Pulkkinen
- Full Language Support for English, French, German, Spanish, Russian, Japanese, and Brazilian-Portuguese, and subtitle support for Italian, Danish, Norwegian, Swedish, Simplified Chinese and Finnish.

Note: unlike the previous Trine games, Trine 3 does not have support for online multiplayer due to technical restrictions. However, the game does still support local co-op, so invite your friends over and share a couch!
7 comments on “Trine 3: The Artifacts of Power – Coming for PS4 (Hopefully for Christmas!)”
Congratulation! Finally wait to this day from summer. It brings lots fun for me and my wife!
I Love the Trine games. I’ve been playing them with my friends and my son who is 5 and we cant wait for Trine 3.
I really really hope it’ll be out before Xmas. Next week would be awesome.
You guys rock.
Ill buy it on day one and my friend aswell.
I played Trine and Trine 2 with my friends online, I can’t believe trine 3 will not able to play it with a co-op online. It’s a bullshit. I really want to buy and play it but until a multiplayer online mode will not supported I will not.
Bitte, Bitte, bitte zu Weihnachten. Ich warte so sehnsüchtig auf Trine 3. Das würde Weihnachten perfekt machen. LG
astral academy boss?
I feel like a real idiot. I bought this game assuming that it would have online for consoles like the others did. That’s what I get for not reading I suppose. I’m more upset that I got myself so excited to play the game and now will end up likely never playing it.
Wasted money never feels good.
Excitedly bought this for online multiplayer, only to fine the co-op campaign is local only on the PS4! That’s crazy – and to be honest pretty inexcusable. The whole fun of the game is down to being able to play with your friends, both online and locally. So many people will have bought the game on PS4 to do exactly this and it’s just unbelievable it hasn’t been added yet. Feel like I and my friends have wasted money on something we’ll never get to enjoy because of a ‘technical’ error that I can’t believe hasn’t been fixed yet.
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