Trine Enchanted Edition will be released for Wii U in North America tomorrow, March 12th! The game will be priced $14.99 and it will be available from Nintendo eShop.
Trine Enchanted Edition is an improved version of the first Trine game, which has not been previously available on Wii U. It’s story takes place before the events of Trine 2: Director’s Cut.

All Wii U owners of Trine 2: Director’s Cut will get a -20% discount from Trine Enchanted Edition, so be sure to pick that up first if you don’t own it already! To celebrate the release, Trine 2 will also be available for the discounted price of $9.99 until April 2nd on the Nintendo eShop in North America.
Trine Enchanted Edition and Trine 2: Director’s Cut both support local and online co-op for up to three people, so remember to tell all your friends! 🙂
Edit: The release date in the European Nintendo eShop is March 26th.
3 comments on “Trine Enchanted Edition Arrives on Wii U”
Awesome! Getting it and an external hard drive tomorrow, what a happy coincidence! Hope to get Trine 3 eventually on Wii U!
I took advantage of the deal and picked up both games last night. I’m very impressed. I lucked out and found someone to play multiplayer with, and I couldn’t put it down until about 3 AM. That being said, I have a couple of suggestions; and they’re probably things you guys have already considered, but I’d like to make them known anyway.
1) Please patch in more communication options, including voice chat. The way the game is designed, it’s not hard to figure out how to work together if you’re playing with a competent person, but if you aren’t, or you need to discuss changing the game’s settiings or moving to another stage, etc. right now there’s no way to do so.
I would love to see some pre-set text messages as well, for situations where that’s all you need, or for people who can’t or won’t use their microphone.
2) Patch in arrows that show us where our teammates are when they aren’t visible on our screen.
3) I’m not sure if this is in the game already, since I just got it, but there should be some way of seeing which levels you’ve completed and items you’ve collected on each difficulty level/setting. I’d like to know what I completed on Easy with Player Levitation so that I can know which parts to go back and do again on harder difficulty. Sometimes I join a game and the other player’s settings are ridiculously easy, but I join anyway just to have someone to play with.
Thanks for reading.
P.S. I’m ready and waiting to buy Trine 3 on day one, once you guys release it on the Wii U.
Hello guys, I like a lot Trine games. I live in Europe and I’m really excepting it to be released soon 😉
Why not Trine 3 for Wii U… I would definitely buy it as well.
Nice coding !
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