Great news from the PlayStation 4 front! The release dates for the PS4 version of Trine Enchanted Edition are confirmed: December 17th in Europe and December 23rd in North America.
Here’s a new launch trailer for you to enjoy
Trine Enchanted Edition on the PS4 will run at a smooth 60 fps / 1080p and also supports Stereoscopic 3D at 720p. Highly recommended if you have a 3D-capable TV!
The game will be priced at $14.99 in North America and € 12.99 in Europe. We hope to put in a few special deals for the Holidays, especially combined with Trine 2 – so keep a look out for PSN promotions if you fancy either game on the PS4
Official press release:
The Wii U version will most likely be released in January – we had a few delays with the submission so unfortunately it did not quite make the Christmas release, where we hoped to have both console versions.
31 comments on “Trine Enchanted Edition for PlayStation 4 Gets December Release”
Best 3D game on PS4!
PS4 needs more 3D games like Trine!
Thanks for the kind words
I’m glad you liked the 3D, it is also a big favorite here at the Frozenbyte office – to try the Trine games in 3D mode on the PS4.
Bring it for the nintendo Wii U . Fast!!!!!!!!!!!
We’re working on that
This series looks beautiful. I have yet to play a game in this series, but bought Trine 2 on Wii U in anticipation of Trine Enhanced Edition. I am glad this game is still coming to Wii U because many games coming for Wii U get canceled =(. I will play through the games in order although I want to try Trine 2 pretty badly.
Thank you for continuing to support Wii U. Have a great day.
Thank you
We’re hoping to get it released on the Wii U as well as soon as possible, and working on that currently.
Hope to see this on the Wii U asap! Loving Trine 2 director’s cut, fantastic game! Bring on the enchanted edition of the original!!
Thanks! Working on it. I’m glad there’s people waiting for it on the Wii U
I am one of those. I enjoyed very much the touch controls for the gamepad. Very precise and intuitive for many situations!!!
Hi again.Nice work with this game.But i woyld like to tell some ideas in can you make TRINE 3.First you could add some new enemies,but keep enemies like goblins but named orcs and bonecrushers named trolls,and add some bats and skeletons from trine 1.Also,add some computer players like knights archers who are in the game and fight the enemies(somethink like the archers from goblin menace level 1).In addition,you could make more levels (18 for example)with more enviroments (rivers,lakes,deserts,mountains,ice and much more).You could also keep some spells from trine and trine 2 like the trigon and make some new.And i think the giant worm should be in the game once more(like the dragon).Anyway thats mine ideas,but plz will you add at leats one of these ideas?(sorry for my bad english)
Will it have cross play with pc or ps3?
Sorry – Cross play between PS4 and any other consoles/PC does not work.
the digital bundle is a nice deal on ps store, any plans for physical release? Thanx.
Glad to hear it
We would love to do a physical release at some point if possible, but we don’t have any retail plans for the PS4 or any other consoles at this point.
Other projects are keeping us busy at the moment
I have 2 questions.First what are you doing all this time?
And the 2nd is that i have trine 1 in my pc.So,if i want to play coop,can i put a gamepad in my computer?
We’ve been busy with the console versions of Trine Enchanted Edition as well as some unannounced stuff that we’ll reveal at some point
If you want to play Trine co-op on PC, you can plug in some controllers for the other players. The Xbox 360 controller is one that I can recommend.
Well thanks a lot.But,have you thought about making trine 3,or we just waiting for other pc game?
Hi again.1 more question.My computer is old(2005-6)and its windows xp,so for a reason he cant run trine 2.So,do i have to change my computer,or i have to change the sistem from windows xp,to windows 7 or 8?
Trine 2 does have Windows XP support, so that’s likely not the problem. Without knowing more about your system or the situation, it’s hard to comment more. You could try switching different graphics settings from the launcher to see if it’s possible to run the game in your current setup.
If you’d like more help with this or have other questions related to our games, please send an email to our Support where you mention your full system information (graphics card etc). If you have already purchased the game and tried to launch it without success, please also write the details in your email (what happened when you tried to launch the game, did you get any error messages, what version of the game you have, etc). You can send the email to: support[at]frozenbyte[dot]com
I bought Trine 2 for the WiiU and enjoyed the collaborative multiplayer online with voice chat. Too bad it couldn’t get released on Christmas. Trine 2 combines very well good gameplay mechanics, nice story telling and music. One of the best indies out there if you ask me.
Please Froxenbyte release the Wii U version of ”Trine: Enchanted Edition”! I can’t wait any more, I want to play this game so much on my Wii U console! You said it will release in January, is this true or not???
No, sorry, I heard it’s cancelled on Wii U…
Sorry for the delay! We’re working very hard and doing our best to get Trine Enchanted Edition released for the Wii U as soon as possible, but we have not set a release date yet. We did hope to get the game released on January originally, but unfortunately we experienced some delays that prevented this from happening. We hope to still release the game during this winter. Thank you for your patience.
Great to hear the original game is still on its way. Looking forward to getting it as soon as it releases.
You posted at your social that you are focusing on new games.So does that means anything for TRINE 3?(plz if you make it add 1 of my ideas and add wolves)
Can’t wait for this to be released on Wii U!
Please make a launch special price offer for Wii U owners or even better make a promotion for Wii U users who have already bought Trine 2 so they will be able to also buy Trine Enchanted Edition at a lower price. I already played Trine 2 and I would really like to buy Trine Enchanted Edition for a promotion discounted price. Thanks a lot!
Please could you tell me when will the game be available on Wii U ?????
The wait is painful!!!
Glad to see Trine 1 on the coming soon section of the eShop! Awesome games guys, reminds me of how good games should be made, and so few of those being done today(Call of Duty, Assassins Creed, etc). So glad to see quality titles! Bring on Trine 3 to the Wii U!
Hallo. Erscheint TRINE 3 2015 noch für die PS 4 ? Hatte mich da so irre drauf gefreut aber es kam bis jetzt nur für PC. LG
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