Recently there’s been some confusion over our freshly released Trine 2: Complete Story for PC, Mac and Linux. It’s been a bit unclear as to what’s included in this version of the game, and how this version affects the people who purchased Trine 2 earlier. Let’s clear all this confusion:
Trine 2: Complete Story comes with Trine 2, the Goblin Menace DLC and the Dwarven Caverns level which was a Wii U exclusive up until this point. So that’s what you’ll get when you purchase Trine 2: Complete Story.
Dwarven Caverns
For you guys and gals who bought the Trine 2 standalone game in the days of yore, you can get the Goblin Menace DLC and Dwarven Caverns level by purchasing the Trine 2: Complete Story Upgrade. You can buy it here. If you bought the Goblin Menace DLC earlier, you’ll get updated to the Complete Story version to get the Dwarven Caverns level.
We also had Trine 2 Collector’s Edition earlier on Steam. This came with Trine 2, the artbook and soundtrack. We also have the Trine Complete and Frozenbyte Collection which now include Trine 2: Complete Story, but if you bought one of the above before The Complete Story came out you need to get the Complete Story Upgrade if you want the Goblin Menace DLC and the Dwarven Caverns level.
If you’re unsure whether you own the Goblin Menace DLC, you can check it by going to your Steam Library and right clicking Trine 2 there. In the drop down menu click View Downloadable Content, if Goblin Menace is listed there that means you own it! Rejoice! That’s all there’s to it! We apologize for the confusion surrounding Trine 2: Complete Story and we hope this has cleared the issue. Until next time!
– Julius
49 comments on “Trine 2: Complete Story Confusion”
I played on Xbox 360 with Trine 2. I really want to say thank you, if you released on Xbox all Trine game!
We’ll see about releasing Trine 1 for Xbox 360 in the future, but right now we don’t have the resources to bring it to Xbox 360.
I loved the Dwarven Caverns, thanks for making it free for us who have already bought Goblin Menace.
I had a great time playing coop with my gf, she loves Zoya 🙂
I hope “busy with other projects” means Trine 3!
Thank you so much :). Really happy to hear that you both enjoyed it so much. You’ll hear about our current projects at a later date 🙂
I own trine 2 for PS3, I am quite happy with the game as it is right now. I may buy another version in the future, who knows.
Thanks for your kind words :).
some of your fans are console players and i don’t get it why they are so left out…no update, no dlc…
It used to be that bringing updates and DLC to the consoles cost a significant amount of money. Thus we didn’t have the resources to bring these to consoles back then, and right now, we’re busy with other projects and so we don’t have the resources to bring them to consoles. We’ll look into bringing these to consoles in the future.
We’re sorry that everyone on the consoles are missing out on the DLC.
and another company openly shouts fuck you console scum.
well i shout back FUCK YOU FROZENBYTE
We have great love for our console fans and have no intention of discriminating on them. The situation is such that back in the day it cost a lot to bring updates and DLC to consoles, and right now we don’t have the resources to bring these to consoles, as I mentioned in my comment above.
We truly apologize that you’re missing out on this content.
Please tell us that trine 3 is in development!
You’ll hear about our current projects at a later date :).
First off, amazing fucking game. Trine 2 absolutely blew me away on the graphics and gameplay front. It’s a shame you guys don’t or won’t offer a smaller package for people who already bought Trine 2 and want the extras. I feel like I’m paying for the entire game again. I’d pay a bit extra to have the Dwarven Caverns tacked onto the Goblin Menace DLC.
Just my 2 cents. Great game, keep up the good work, and don’t alienate your fanbase in the name of the almighty dollar.
Thank you so much, words like these really motivate us :). We do offer the Goblin Menace DLC and Dwarven Caverns level as a separate smaller package, it’s called the Complete Story Upgrade. It’s available on Steam at 4,99$. And if you bought the Goblin Menace DLC separately before the Complete Story package, you get the Dwarven Caverns level automatically as an update :).
Ah! I get it now. Thanks for clearing things up 🙂 Will add this to my Steam “wish list” for now but will pick it up in the near future for sure.
You’re most welcome :). I hope you enjoy it!
I just bought it. At that price you can’t go wrong and it’s more than worth it. Wonderful stuff. You might want to mention to folks that there is an upgrade only pack on Steam because after reading everything you posted, I still didn’t get it until you cleared things up here. Thanks again for the help and top notch gaming experience.
Thank U for the new content!! Time to visit Trine 2 again. Love it! And my compliments for your support to stereoscopic 3D. it’s awesome how good this game looks with real 3D. ^____^
You’re very welcome, hope you enjoy it :).
Definitely major props to the detail on the support for 3D Vision Surround. I have three 27″ ASUS 3D monitors and when I want to blow someone’s mind on what PC gaming IS, the first game I fire up is Trine 2 and hand them the glasses and the controller. I have a very extensive collection of games that work well in 3D Vision Surround, but this is by far my favorite. My 7 year old twins try to reach out and touch things when I play it. It’s not just that it is super awesome in 3D, the colors are amazing and the sounds awesome. I do like that I can cheat a bit with lobbing arrows at enemies on a 5900×1080 resolution that most people can’t see with one monitor. Frozenbyte fan for life if only because of how much fun I’ve had with this game. Thanks guys.
Thank you so much for your kind words :). We really appreciate you saying this and it really motivates us :).
Can I get the Dwarven Caverns level separately on PC?
One Trine level would mean something for me..
We have the Goblin Menace expansion and Dwarven Caverns level available as a separate, smaller package on Steam for 4,99$, called the Complete Story Upgrade. And if you bought the Goblin Menace expansion earlier, you get the Dwarven Caverns level automatically. Hope this answers your question 🙂
Firstly, I want to share with you how great Trine 2 is. My question, will these updates also appear for those of us who purchased on the Mac App Store? Thanks.
Thank you. Unfortunately, this update doesn’t apply to the Mac App Store version of Trine 2 :(. My apologies.
The Mac App store version has problems with controllers not working. I’ve waited for a year and still no update or fix.
Sorry to hear you have troubles with the controllers. Could you please specify the issue a bit more? What controllers are you having trouble with? Unfortunately, there is no update planned now, but it sounds like your issue might be bind related, so you could try removing your old binds and binding them again. You can locate the bind files from /Users/USERNAME/Library/Containers/com.frozenbyte.Trine2/Data/Library/Trine2/UserBinds
Feel free to contact us at our support ([email protected]) with issues like these, and we’ll do our best to help! If you do that, please include your full system specifications and mention this post in your email. Cheers!
If I got Trine2 Collector’s edition on HumbleStore, how do I get the upgrade ??
Also, what about the DRM free version for windows ??
I don’t like or use Steam.
We understand that not everyone wants to use Steam, so we will be bringing the DRM free version of Trine 2: Complete Story and the Complete Story Upgrade for Windows to the Humble Store soon. Just bear with us for a while still.
please update trine 2 in mac appstore
We’re looking into it. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Please update (possibly for free for the purchasers of the Goblin Menace, like me) the Mac App Store version.
Thank you.
We’re looking into it. Please bear with us and we’re really sorry for the inconvenience.
I have the Director Cut version for WiiU since months ago, and everything that I see the list of the most sellers on the Eshop I see Trine 2 as the game most sold, at the number 1. Can you tell the number of digital copies that have been sold or is that data kind of a secret?? Curiosity is killimg me!
Sorry I had to edit the mistakes:
I have the Director Cut version for WiiU since months ago, and everytime that I see the list of the most sellers on the Eshop I see Trine 2 as the game most sold, at the number 1. Can you tell the number of digital copies that have been sold or is that data kind of a secret?? Curiosity is killing me!
Sorry to say this, but we aren’t allowed to disclose exact sales numbers. What I can tell you is that Trine 2: Director’s Cut on the Wii U has done well and we’re very happy with the sales.
I want to buy Trine on Desura but I can’t pay for it via Paypal, why is that?
Sounds like an issue with Paypal itself or Desura, have you tried asking their forums? Is there any specific errors that you get? If it’s something specific to Trine then please email our support:
Lets hope we can get this sorted out 🙂
I was wondering if there was any news as to adding the complete story to the Mac App Store version. I see a couple people asked already earlier in the year and the answer was “we are looking into it”. Is there any chance of the Mac App Store version being updated with the Dwarven Caverns level? Thanks.
Updating the Mac App store Trine 2 to Complete Story is a bit more difficult than on Steam due to the way they handle submissions. We’re trying to figure out a solution, but it may take some time I’m afraid. Sorry again for the inconvenience.
I bought trine 2 standalone from steam (pre-order) and later bought Goblin Meance DLC separately – also from steam. When I launch the game now, it says Trine 2: Complete Story. However I do not see the artbook or soundtracks. I navigated to the install location steamapps/common/trine 2. But the two folders artbook and soundtrack are not there.
I even tried re-downloading the game again?
Aren’t I supposed to get these extra content?
The Artbook and Soundtracks we’re originally included in the Collector’s Edition version of Trine 2. Did you have them at some point earlier? After the Complete Story upgrade, the Trine 2: Soundtracks & Artbooks were made into a separate purchase on Steam.
Sorry for the trouble. In any case, you can send me an e-mail to kai (at) frozenbyte (dot) com and I’ll see what I can do 🙂
I was wondering why you did not release Trine 2 on disc? Steam is a troublesome way to go for the game…if there is a release on disc, where is it? If there is not a disc version…this is too bad.
So based on the link you posted to “upgrade”, you’re telling me I need to buy the entire game again just to get the dlc? No thanks.
Edit: I found the upgrade, however the game itself fails to link you to the correct page to download it.
Yeah, sorry about the linking, the upgrade itself does not have a separate URL to link to, so we can only direct people to the store page which lists all the Trine 2 – related items. We could have probably worded this better in the blog post.
I too approve with all the good words the other players have said about Trine (1 & 2 ) .EXCELLENT games ! Love the stereoscopic 3D support. By far, my favorites games! Graphics are awesome and it kinda brings me back to my childhood. Thank you ! Forever your fan ! With Love from RO.
Trine 1 and 2 are two awesome Jump ‘n’ Run games – big thanks to you for that great entertainment. We finished the first part a few weeks ago and are now playing Trine 2 Complete Story as Let’s Play version on YT.
We’re looking forward to play a 3rd Edition 😉
Anni & Mario from ZoS Gaming
Is there any reason to worry about future Xbox support? PS4 got Trine Enchanted Edition. I just saw the Trine 3 trailer. Looks great! When it comes out on consoles will Xbox One be included?
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