We’ve received countless of emails and messages asking us if we’re ever going to make Trine 3 – and we’re super excited to finally be able to let you in on our secret…
YES, we’re making Trine 3 (and have been for quite a long time actually!) – AND it’ll be out this year!
Check out the announcement trailer below for the first-ever peek into the world of Trine 3: The Artifacts of Power.
The Windows version will be the first one to be released – we’ll reveal more about other platforms later.

If you haven’t played the first two games yet, now’s a very good opportunity to do so, as all our games are on -85% sale on Steam until March 14th. 🙂 You can find them through this link.
Oh and one last thing! Our marketing guys will be at GDC this week – so go and say hi to them! 🙂 You’ll recognize them from their Trine 3 t-shirts.
What do you think? 🙂 Let us know in the comments!
101 comments on “Trine 3: The Artifacts of Power Announced!”
Nice. But If I can suggest some. You should release a one time all version of Trine 3. SteamOS is coming and good position is release a same time game for Windows and Linux/SteamOS.
You should considering this.
they’ve been making trine series for all the platforms so far. i’m pretty sure they’ll do it this time as well.
Best news ever….i just love the Trine series and can’t wait to play Trine 3 as well. <3
Will buy for Linux / SteamOS… Please don’t forget us!
We’ve definitely not forgotten our Linux fans. 🙂 The game will be released for Windows first, but we’ll reveal more about other platforms later!
hello, so many thank’s for your good news!
i have trine 1+2 and it runs smoothly under linux in steam.
i great happy that trine 3 comes also for linux. love you!
Great news! I wish it would run on the WiiU but considering the graphics I kind of fear it won’t. Also, still waiting on the Trine Enchanted Edition for WiiU, when is it going to be released?
We should have more news about the Wii U version of Trine Enchanted Edition soonish. 🙂 Stay tuned!
The graphics are good true but you are really underestimating the wii u power if the wii u can run the new legend of zelda it can definetly run this
OMG!!!! 😀
For Wii U too?
Awesome. New games need more beautiful things like Trine, and you made an eyecandy trailer with this one. I’m really looking forward for this third part.
High hopes and hype mode ON!! 8D
Release it on Linux and I grant you guys access to my wallet.
“oh dear, a sexy zoya a crazy old amadeus and a hungover pontius” -Dad 2015
Since my whole family plays this, this should come as a shocker.
By the way, is Aritunes still working with frozenbyte for trine 3?
Yes, Ari Pulkkinen is composing the Trine 3 soundtrack. 🙂
Guess that means no Splot, yet again. Is that game actually ever going to exit development, or will it become another prototype game as Jack Claw? I understand that all the money comes from Trine series and I wouldn’t have expected any other news regarding the next installment, it just feels bad when some other projects have to be abandoned just so other can succeed.
I think we can all agree that Trine is already a well established series and a successful one at that, I wish Frozenbyte would give their other projects a chance and not always bank on the easiest sell.
Splot has been released, just not on every platform it was originally targeting yet 🙁
Splot has indeed already been released last year. You can read more about the game through this link for example. If you have other questions about Splot, we’d be happy to answer – just send an email to support[at]frozenbyte[dot]com 🙂
Can you please give any indication please whether this is coming to the Wii U? I have Trine 2 for the Wii U and enjoyed it greatly. This trailer looks stunning.
No Linux?
Please make me and many other Linux player and make a Linux/ SteamOS version fast fast fast. SteamOS/Linux is future of gaming. I change my Windows to Linux and now I have no problems with PC. I can use It and play without any issue.
PLS port fast Trine 3 to Linux!
*make me happy 🙂 I forrgot write this 🙂
All I can say at this point is that we haven’t forgotten about our Linux fans. 🙂 The game will be released for Windows first, but we’ll reveal more about other platforms later!
Awesome news 🙂
The series is a personal favorite, love the graphics, the feeling, the soundtrack. It combines platforming and puzzle solving in a great way and it gets better in every installment, which means Trine 3 is going to be super awesome.
Looks great, I like the perspective change and the graphics look even better than Trine 2, might also be a good candidate for preorder if the Linux version will follow after release.
Frozenbyte needs to step up their DRM-Free support, it’s been since early December of last year that the Linux version of Trine: Enchanted Edition went out of beta on Steam., It has been almost 3 months since that date and Humble Bundle and GOG users still don’t have a DRM-Free version of the game.
Sorry for the wait! We’ve hoped to fix a few things in the DRM free builds of Trine Enchanted Edition before submitting them to GOG and Humble, and unfortunately this has taken longer than we hoped (partly because we’ve been so busy with all kinds of projects). Thanks for understanding and patience with this. 🙂
New adventure awaits! Hmm one moment, where I saw these words? 😛
Please, make a PC physical edition!
Looks awesome! Though I’m left to wonder how it all plays out with the added dimension that seems to come and go. Can’t wait for more information!
I will pre-order and/or even early access buy this … if it will be PC only.
I really hate multiplatform games.
Consoles ruined gaming.
Wonder how consoles ruined gaming. Hmmm. You guys on steam get stuff for WAY CHEAPER than console gamers get, so if my preference is a console I am willing to pay more not to have issues getting my game to run. I have little time with a busy life, so if I can just pop it in and play then that’s all I need. I don’t mind paying more for a console version either, and hopefully the developers get more profit from this so they can continue to make these great titles available on all kinds of viable platforms.
I played Trine 2 on Wii U,ill buy this to for Wii U..
Bring it on! Linux folk here.
Looks absolutely beautiful!!! Is the soundtrack again the work of Ari Pulkkinen? It sounds like pure magic!!!
Yes, he is composing the soundtrack for the game! 🙂
Very good news ! Trine 1 & 2 were already so beautiful, can’t wait to play this new opus in 3D.
Great! Hope you put this out on WiiU too!
Something something Linux
When are you taking my money? 😀
I hope it will come for SteamOS and I hope it will not end like splot.
Long time fan of both Trine games and they looked fantastic on my Nvidia 8800 GTX card, please don’t for about us fans with older video cards for Trine 3.
This news made my day! Trine has become one of my favorite series. I’ll be looking forward to the PS4 release.
Dear developers, what are those 3D scenes in the trailer? 🙁 Please don’t make it a 3D platformer 🙁
I think that there’s a lack of giant otters.
PLEASE keep the 3 player Pc splitscreen like there was in trine 1 and 2, I will so buy this game on release if there is splitscreen that I can play with friends.
Trine 3 will support co-op, just like the previous Trine games. 🙂
Very very good News. I sadly didnt recognize Trine 1 & 2 as it was launched and bought this games a few years after release. But than I couldnt get enough of it and I am very happy to see that there is a new part in work. This time I ll buy the game at release. For me as an mature Player who grew up with Atari 800XL, C64 and Amiga Jump n Runs are still an important part of the Videogame universe and ist sad to see that only a few titles are available for the pc.
Looking forward to hearing more about additional platforms when you’re ready to talk about that (particularly Linux) 🙂
YES! I am super excited about this fantasy adventure! Every time I play the Trine games, I feel like I am actually in that fantasy world with the heroes. It is a great adventure in my mind!
I hope there will be a larger variety of enemies though. I liked the skeletons in the first game, but the goblins were a bit boring in the second one.
Oh yeah and I hope the system requirements won’t be much higher than for Trine 2.
When can I pre-order? 😛
Oh yeah and I hope Ari Pulkkinen is composing the soundtrack! He is absolutely amazing! 🙂
Yes he is! (goes for both sentences 😉 )
Oh that’s so awesome! I love the Trine series! cheers and keep the good work!
Will you please release blog posts and give us more information about the game(like trine 2)
We are planning to keep you updated. Just wait for a while longer!
We have been planning to make posts like we did with Trine 2, but we are quite busy so we will have to see about that. But thank you for your support! 🙂
I want to play this on my Wii U. I hope you release it on all platforms. I will support you by buying it on my Wii U console! Will there be a Trine 3 for Wii U? Can you confirm it for all your fans? Thank you!
Unfortunately I can’t confirm any other platforms yet, but thank you for your support. Stay tuned for updates! 🙂
I bought Trine 1&2 on Steam, and Trine 2 on the Wii U. There are a lot of Wii U people excited about this game. Since you’re still developing Trine 1 for the Wii U, I hope you’re keeping your devkit out for this game, too. 😉
Kiitos! Isot onnittelut saavutuksistanne. Pitäkää lippu korkealla!
Great news! Hope, that we will see Android version of this game, and not only for couple NVIDIA Tegra devices. Anyway, I will buy Steam version on it debut for me and my friends. And I hope, that story and music will be great, as always. 🙂
please provide a linux version (64 bit)
I’m a bit worried about the move to three dimensions, but I’m way too hype to let that bring my joys down. A new Trine is upon us!
(And of course a series named Trine has to at least be a trilogy, amirite?)
In China,there are a large number of player what love this series game!will always support you!expecting the Trine 3.
Seeing as this game is heading a bit more into 3d-space, can we expect vastly higher system requirements, or will I be able to run this game about as good as Trine 2? It looks even better now, which is awesome. And the style of the game is simply unmatched by any other game. Fantastic art design! 🙂
GPU: GTX Titan
It’s likely that they’ll be higher. We’ll reveal more information later.
Thank you for your support! 🙂
lol ur awsome guys graphics are stunning lol xD i want trine 3 but 2 quiz plz
is the speecs gone to be high plz dont make itt high :(((((((((
the story lol also is there a new skills like the amadeous kan he kill or hit
Happy to see that the original Trine is on it’s way to Wii U. Day 1 purchase for me. Hope to see Trine 3 on Wii U as well. Hope the PC snobs don’t get to hog it for their own! Too expensive to keep upgrading a PC/Mac for a casual gamer who prefers superior console controls! 😉
wow…. shit. You guys are really BAD ASS!! Comon! I want Trine 3!!!!
Will Trine 3 support Russian text and voice?
Trine is one of my most favorite games! The music and graphics are always stunning. Thank you for continuing the series and for all your hardwork!
I’d pay for a Mac OS X version right now. Even if I had to wait for it for another year. This game is the one I really, really have been waiting for.
I have only one question: Will it operate on Mac systems?
If my friend can play this game on 1920×1080 smoothly on LOW(he have dualcore e5200, NVidia 8600 GT and 2GB of RAM) we are very happy. 😀 I want this game on my laptop as soon as it possible. 😀
Thanks so much about making trine 3!From the trailer its seems amazing.And its 3D.Nice work!I have 2 questions.First,what are these creatures in the trailer and in the last photo which is like an end?And last one,will you upload some blog posts about more information about the game like the enemies,grafhics,skills,levels and release date in 2015?
Thank you for your support! We’ll surely reveal more information later, so stay tuned! 😉
Please release a DRM free version alongside the steam version! I absolutely loved Trine 2 and am really glad you guys made such a customer friendly move to release your first two Trines DRM free.
I wonder if the controls will be difficult, considering the switch to 3d… I hope there will be good support for steam controller as i’m really looking forward to it.
Also: something something Linux… 🙂
Good news anyway!
Treating Linux as first class citizen is very appealing for me
If you make the linux version with the same quality that you made the first two I will definetely buy it
don’t make it veryy demanding plzzzzzzzzzzz!!!!! 🙁 🙁 🙁 :'(
What do you mean you will tell more about other platforms?Will you make other platform games like the Trine series or a game like shadowgrounds?And,do you have any news from Trine 3?
What we meant by that is that we’ll reveal more info about Trine 3’s other possible platforms (Mac, Linux, PS4, Wii U, Xbox One, Android, etc.) a bit later on when we have a better picture about everything. Of course we hope to get it out for as many as possible eventually!
Must have title, I will preorder this beauty. Thank you guys for this game and series
i can’t wait for this game….i have played the first two parts, this is the most amazing fantasy game i have ever played. thanks frozenbyte and keep it up….!
Trine 3 will have support for NVIDIA 3D VISION as Trine 1 and 2? I hope so !! Trine 1 and 2 have been two stunning 3D games because it was like entering another world or another dimension of play . Please , support for NVIDIA 3D VISION highest quality for TRINE 3 !! Thank you for your games !
Stereoscopic 3D should work quite nicely 🙂
OMG shut up and take my money!!!
Played everything under TRINE title, bought it all = love this game so much 😀
Do you have any updates about trine 3?
Please let this be on wii u looks amezing and if it is nearly as good as trine 2 it will be worth it trine 2 is my fav eshop game
Is there a lock on option for combat? As aiming zyoa’s bow might be a bit difficult given the seemingly flat camera angle.
In addition did you guys consider adding a first person view aiming system for her bow and hook as well?
Will it be possible to have the 3 characters on the screen in a single player?
Also are you adding any new characters or can you not say yet?
They cant add a new character.The game is base in 3 characters and from the last video witch contains the first gameplay of the 3 heroes,doesnt sow us a new character.
It’s not like they couldn’t add a new character with a new mechanic.
If they were I’m sure they wouldn’t reveal it right away.
Maybe the trine thinks they could use some help .
Going back to my original suggestion of multiple on screen characters, having a new character that could polymorph itself into different tolls/objects may make for an interesting mechanic, but that’s just after 2 seconds of thinking, I’m sure a lot could be added with some real though.
Well since we have an wizard,an knight and an archer they could add a character like an dwarf mechanic,who his role is to build things,but this is wizards role so dont make dreams about new characters.In addition frozenbite,plz make ea beter coulor and shape for expirience bottles
WII U, please! 😀
I got it.
If there were to be a 4th character, it should totally be like a necromancer who can summon units to aid in combat, since I’m going to imagine the combat is going to be quite a bit harder in this game overall due to the added dimension.
I own Trine Spec. Edition on Wiiu, about to own Trine 2 and I would really really like to own Trine 3 on Wii u as well. 🙂
Please do it for Wii u too. It is a great console, it would really look good on it.
Will it have physical release? I would love to have disc with beautiful art in my collection.
Hopefully at some point 🙂 Can’t promise it for certain but we’re considering it.
It will be for Wii U too right? Please! 🙁
=================A fix please! Frozentbite==============
Hello people from Frozenbite, something to change in Trine 3 (a kind of fix) with the character “Amadeus” is really hard to handle the boxes using my xbox360 Joypad just when you try to put boxes in the front or bottom of the screen, so i think maybe this can be fix using a trigger to hold Amadeus in the place(static) and with the “left stick” control the boxes up and down and with the right stick all around: front,bottom,left and right of screen
Trine always a delight in game and graphics
you Forgot your first fans of series and now this is what you get on Trine 3’s New fans .. 🙂
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